March 2000 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Mar 1 00:32:41 UTC 2000
Ending: Fri Mar 31 22:12:16 UTC 2000
Messages: 579
- "Dalitstan" (RE: 'INDIA ABROAD' on new textbooks)
Yashwant Malaiya
- AIT, NEW genetic evidence
Rajarshi Banerjee
- Address of Junji Tsutsui
Claude Setzer
- ICHR controversey
Vishal Agarwal
- SV: ICHR controversey
Lars Martin Fosse
- SV: ICHR controversey
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- SV: SV: ICHR controversey
Lars Martin Fosse
- Brahma: in chanting
Robert Zydenbos
- center of being
Bob Peck
- center of being
Michael Witzel
- center of being
John Robert Gardner
- center of being
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- SV: ICHR controversey
Rajarshi Banerjee
- SV: SV: ICHR controversey
Lars Martin Fosse
- Job openings
Robert A. Hueckstedt
- Semester in India program
Robert A. Hueckstedt
- SV: ICHR controversey
Rajarshi Banerjee
- Need a break?
Brian Akers
- SV: ICHR controversey
Bob Lazarowitz
- references of the origin of veda
Jon Skarpeid
- Address of Prof. Schmithausen
Ulrich T. Kragh
- SV: SV: ICHR controversey
Lars Martin Fosse
- Robert Goldman's address
- "Dalitstan" (RE: 'INDIA ABROAD' on new textbooks)
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Robert Goldman's address
Chandan R. Narayan
- Address of Prof. Schmithausen
Ronald E.Emmerick
- bhASya definition
Chandan R. Narayan
- Address of Prof. Schmithausen
Barbara Schuler
- Please remove my name from the list.
- Please remove my name from the list
Mahendra Jain
- SV: SV: SV: ICHR controversey
Lars Martin Fosse
- bhASya definition
Madhav Deshpande
- SV: ICHR controversey
Sundeep Dougal
- SV: SV: SV: ICHR controversey
Narayan S. Raja
- SV: SV: ICHR controversey
Bharat Gupt
- SV: SV: ICHR controversey
Avanindra Prakash
- ICHR controversey
Lars Martin Fosse
- ICHR controversy
Vishal Agarwal
- Indian police training
- Indian police training
Katherine K. Brobeck
- (no subject)
- Re. D.ombii
Ven. Tantra
- bhASya definition
Peter Wyzlic
- Indology seminars/workshops
Avanindra Prakash
- Thanks(Information request)
Vidya Kamat
- Retroflex and Boghazkoy.
milton degeorge
- Toward a Science of Translating--Sanskrit Texts
Haridas C
- Toward a Science of Translating--Sanskrit Texts
Sreenivas Paruchuri
- ICHR controversey
Bharat Gupt
- ICHR controversy (Part 1 of reply to Mr. Dougal)
Vishal Agarwal
- SV: ICHR controversey
Lars Martin Fosse
- Message for Robert Zydenbos
Lars Martin Fosse
- SV: SV: ICHR controversey
Rajarshi Banerjee
- ICHR controversey
Rajarshi Banerjee
- ICHR controversy (Reply to Mr. Dougal: Part 2)
Vishal Agarwal
- ICHR controversy (Reply to Mr. Dougal Part 3)
Vishal Agarwal
- EMail address of Dr. Robert J. Zydenbos
Shikaripura Harihareswara
- SV: SV: SV: ICHR controversey
Lars Martin Fosse
- SV: ICHR controversey
Lars Martin Fosse
- address request
John Brockington
- [ADMIN] ICHR controversey
Dominik Wujastyk
- ICHR controversy (Part 1 of reply to Mr. Dougal)
Sundeep Dougal
- ICHR controversy (Reply to Mr. Dougal Part 3)
Sundeep Dougal
- [ADMIN] ICHR controversey
Sundeep Dougal
- ICHR controversey
Stephen Hodge
- SV: ICHR controversey
Lars Martin Fosse
- chariots (was: AIT, NEW genetic evidence)
Michael Witzel
- CARB fonts for Macintosh
John Smith
- Kalmasapada
Stephen Hodge
- EMail address of Dr. Robert J. Zydenbos
Robert Zydenbos
- Kalmasapada
Jonathan Silk
- Kalmasapada
James L. Fitzgerald
- on zankara's date - 2
Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian
- Shivaratri - worshipping the phallus
Ravi Chawla
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
- question (fwd)
Dominik Wujastyk
- chariots (was: AIT, NEW genetic evidence)
C.R. Selvakumar
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Dominik Wujastyk
- re-birth theory
Lubomir Ondracka
- chariots (was: AIT, NEW genetic evidence)
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- chariots (was: AIT, NEW genetic evidence)
Michael Witzel
- SV: River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Lars Martin Fosse
- question (fwd)
Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Dominik Wujastyk
- Science versus Indology
Bob Peck
- chariots (was: AIT, NEW genetic evidence)
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Bijoy Misra
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Michael Witzel
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Tarek Wani
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
John Smith
- SV: River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Lars Martin Fosse
- Toward a Science of Translating--Sanskrit texts--the basis for the meaning of meaning
Haridas C
- The anon-s problem
Sreenivas Paruchuri
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Sam Garg
- Toward a Science of Translating--Sanskrit texts--the basis for the meaning of meaning
Robert A. Hueckstedt
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Rajarshi Banerjee
- Adhikaara [was SV: River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location]
Dominik Wujastyk
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Dominik Wujastyk
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Dominik Wujastyk
- Phaaraka, Phaarakii
Richard D. Saran
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Bob Peck
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Michael Witzel
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Dominik Wujastyk
- Queries: Diwali, Buddhism and Brahmins
Yashwant Malaiya
- River Sarasvati
Ven. Tantra
- Toward a Science of Translating--Sanskrit texts--the basis for the meaning of meaning
Michael Witzel
- BiBTeX Packages for citing MSS
Mahoney, Richard B.
- Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People
Vijay Shankar
- Queries: Diwali
Ashok Aklujkar
- Myth and Reality [Was River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location]
- translation assistance
Bob Peck
- Myth and Reality: Sarasvati_, rasa_
- [Elsts review of Kochhars Vedic People]
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Michael Witzel
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
Vishal Agarwal
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Michael Witzel
- Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People
Rajarshi Banerjee
- chariots (was: AIT, NEW genetic evidence)
Rajarshi Banerjee
- Pluralism, Texts, and Oaths
Noel Salmond
- a SAYINGS querry
Richa Pauranik Clements
- SV: River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Lars Martin Fosse
- Pluralism, Texts, and Oaths
Stephen Hodge
- Pluralism, Texts, and Oaths
Yashwant Malaiya
- NArada
Venkatraman Iyer
- a SAYINGS querry
- NArada
Periannan Chandrasekaran
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Pluralism, Texts, and Oaths
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- NArada
Rajarshi Banerjee
- Pluralism, Texts, and Oaths
Noel Salmond
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- Dates of written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- Syncretism in premodern India
Steve Farmer
- Syncretism in premodern India (correction)
Steve Farmer
- Queries: Diwali, Buddhism and Brahmins
Yaroslav Vassilkov
- Pluralism, Texts, and Oaths
Raveen S. Nathan
- Dates of written Rgveda
George Thompson
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Michael Witzel
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
Michael Witzel
- Dates of written Rgveda
Narayan S. Raja
- Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People
Michael Witzel
- Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Dates of written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- Query re LC entry
Ruth Laila Schmidt
- chariots (was: AIT, NEW genetic evidence)
Georg von Simson
- LC entry
Ruth Laila Schmidt
- Jaganmohana
Kenneth Zysk
- Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People
Rajarshi Banerjee
- Dates of written Rgveda
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Dates of written Rgveda
Krishna Kalale
- Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Pluralism, Texts, and Oaths
Erik Hoogcarspel
- Dates of written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- Query
Rajesh Jayaraman
- --the basis for the meaning of meaning
Bob Peck
- NArada
Raveen Satkurunathan
- "Dalitstan" (RE: 'INDIA ABROAD' on new textbooks)
Raveen Satkurunathan
- "Dalitstan" (RE: 'INDIA ABROAD' on new textbooks)
Yashwant Malaiya
- "Dalitstan" (RE: 'INDIA ABROAD' on new textbooks)
Katherine K. Brobeck
- Kalmasapada
Stephen Hodge
- "Lanka" (was RE: "Dalitstan" )
Yashwant Malaiya
- Dates of written Rgveda
Vishal Agarwal
- Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People
Michael Witzel
- Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People
Paul Kekai Manansala
- utkuTika
Benjamin Fleming
- River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location]
- Pluralism, Texts, and Oaths
Bharat Gupt
- Dates of written Rgveda
George Thompson
- "Lanka"
Katherine K. Brobeck
- Dates of written Rgveda
Georg von Simson
- Saraswati (Dr. Witzel)
Vishal Agarwal
- Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Etymology of sukha and duHkha
Ulrich T. Kragh
- Dates of written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- Dates of written Rgveda
Yaroslav Vassilkov
- (was) BiBTeX Packages for citing MSS
Robert Zydenbos
- SV: Dates of written Rgveda
Lars Martin Fosse
- Dates of written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- chariots (was: AIT, NEW genetic evidence)
Rajarshi Banerjee
- Dates of written Rgveda (correction)
Steve Farmer
- Dates of written Rgveda
Rajarshi Banerjee
- Dates of written Rgveda
George Thompson
- Saraswati (Dr. Witzel)
Michael Witzel
- Dates of written Rgveda
Michael Witzel
- Study in Tamil Nadu announcement
David Magier
- Dates of written Rgveda
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- "Lanka" (was RE: "Dalitstan" )
Raveen S. Nathan
- N.J. Allen Article & Tapas
Ven. Tantra
- Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Dates of written Rgveda
Benjamin Fleming
- Dates of the written veda
Maniambalam Arasu
- Dates of written Rgveda
George Thompson
- SV: Dates of written Rgveda
Lars Martin Fosse
- Great Discoveries, must read!
Michael Witzel
- Representations of Hindu deities in North-West India
Mathieu Latapy
- SV: River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Dates of written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- FWD: RE: FWD: RE: Dates of written Rgveda
- Great Discoveries, must read!
Das Devaraj
- Dates of written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- Vimanas!
Rajesh Jayaraman
- Dates of written Rgveda
Stephen Hodge
- Vimanas!
Stephen Hodge
- Dates of written Rgveda
Michael Witzel
- Dates of written Rgveda
George Thompson
- Dates of written Rgveda
Harry Spier
- Dates of written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- Dates of written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- Vimanas!
Ravi Chawla
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
Samar Abbas
- Great Discoveries, must read!
- Great Discoveries, must read!
Samar Abbas
- Dates of written Rgveda
- Dates of written Rgveda
- utkuTika
Peter Wyzlic
- Etymology of sukha and duHkha
- Etymology of sukha and duHkha
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- Dates of written Rgveda
George Thompson
- JambUdvIpaSaMgrahaNI
Frank Van Den Bossche
- Dates of written Rgveda
Koenraad Elst
- Dates of written Rgveda
Michael Witzel
- JambUdvIpaSaMgrahaNI
Royce Wiles
- Ancient Rivers of khvaniratha and indology
George Thompson
- Ancient Rivers of khvaniratha and indology
Vishal Agarwal
- Ancient Rivers of khvaniratha and indology
Michael Witzel
- Ancient Rivers of khvaniratha and indology
- JambUdvIpaSaMgrahaNI
Rolf Koch
- [Re: Ancient Rivers of khvaniratha and indology]
- Horse
Koenraad Elst
- Etymology of sukha and duHkha
Prof. P. Kumar
- SV: Ancient Rivers of khvaniratha and indology
Lars Martin Fosse
- Horse
Georg von Simson
- Source of quotation
Sergey S.Tawaststjerna
- Source of quotation
- Etymology of sukha and duHkha
Michael Witzel
- Ancient Rivers of khvaniratha and indology
- Ancient Rivers of khvaniratha and indology
Michael Witzel
- Harappan=like Santal writing
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Dates of written Rgveda
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Indian police training
Allen W Thrasher
- Vimanas
Allen W Thrasher
- Ganakashtadhyayi - A Software on Panini's Sutras
Dr Shivamurthy Swamiji
- Dates of written Rgveda
Shrisha Rao
- Trilingual inscription from Sri Lanka
Raveen S. Nathan
- quotation?
Madhav Deshpande
- quotation?
Yashwant Malaiya
- Dates of written Rgveda
Michael Witzel
- quotation?
Michael Witzel
- Dates of written Rgveda
Shrisha Rao
- Bhartrhari
- Dates of written Rgveda
Michael Witzel
- quotation?
Vishal Agarwal
- Dates of written Rgveda
Vishal Agarwal
- Etymology of Cerebrum
Ven. Tantra
- Dates of written Rgveda
Klaus Karttunen
- Vimanas and Yavanas
Klaus Karttunen
- horsing around with horse
Vijay Shankar
- Dates of written Rgveda
Birgit Kellner
- Ganakashtadhyayi (ver1.0) - Error message reported
Dr Shivamurthy Swamiji
- Ancient Rivers of khvaniratha and indology
- Etymology
Ruth Laila Schmidt
- Etymology
Georg von Simson
- Indian police training
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- Horse
Koenraad Elst
- Brahui-English dictionary in the net
Raveen S Nathan
- Brahui-English dictionary in the net
Raveen S Nathan
- BiBTeX Packages for citing MSS
Dominik Wujastyk
- Myth and Reality [Was River Sarasvati: Atomic scientists reconfirm location]
Dominik Wujastyk
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
Dominik Wujastyk
- Vimanas
Dominik Wujastyk
- linguistics (was: Tamil words in English)
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Horse
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Horse
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
Rajarshi Banerjee
- Comparative linguistics
Venkatraman Iyer
- Vimanas
Michael Witzel
- Dates of written Rgveda
Michael Witzel
- Dates of written Rgveda
Michael Witzel
- Comparative linguistics
- [ADMIN] additional INDOLOGY URL
Dominik Wujastyk
- [ADMIN] Indology Archive
Dominik Wujastyk
- Dates of written Rgveda
George Thompson
- Comparative linguistics
Robert Zydenbos
- Dates of written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- horsing around with horse
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Dates of written Rgveda
Paul Kekai Manansala
- New Yogacara website
Dan Lusthaus
- Telugu history
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Vimanas
Shrinivas Tilak
- Telugu history
Lakshmi Srinivas
- History, Science and Indology
Rahul Oka
- Comparative linguistics--advantage--criteria desired
Haridas C
- [Re: Comparative linguistics]
Rahul Oka
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
Michael Witzel
- Comparative linguistics
Michael Witzel
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
George Thompson
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga (1)
Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga (2)
Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
- SV: Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
Lars Martin Fosse
- [Re: Comparative linguistics]
Robert Zydenbos
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Koenraad Elst
- Muktinath
john grimes
- Oral traditions
- Guests (inquiry on behalf of a colleague not on the list)
Lars Martin Fosse
- thanks
Robert, Eric
- creative atomic scientist's translations
Bob Peck
- creative atomic scientist's translations
George Thompson
- Guests (inquiry on behalf of a colleague not on the list)
Martin Gansten
- [creative atomic scientist's translations]
Rahul Oka
- Saraswati... (nairukta)
Michael Witzel
- Etymology
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- Muktinath
Greg Jay
- Indian police training
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- Etymology
Periannan Chandrasekaran
- non-elite CT names (Re: Telugu history)
Periannan Chandrasekaran
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location
Sam Garg
- Comparative linguistics
Paul Kekai Manansala
- non-elite CT names (Re: Telugu history)
Narayan S. Raja
- Negroids & Shudras, North-south
Yashwant Malaiya
- Negroids & Shudras, North-south
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Comparative linguistics
Robert Zydenbos
- non-elite CT names (Re: Telugu history)
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Negroids & Shudras, North-south
Yashwant Malaiya
- Horse & BMAC & much more
Claude Setzer
- Mushtanda; and Bharat
Vishal Agarwal
- Horse & BMAC & TM
Claude Setzer
- Comparative linguistics
Bharat Gupt
- Ceremonial disposal of the "asva" carcass ?
Dinesh Maheshwari/CAD
- None
Rajarshi Banerjee
- Comparative linguistics--advantage--criteria desired
Michael Witzel
- Comparative linguistics
Michael Witzel
- Etymology
Michael Witzel
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location (Dr. Wujastyk)
Vishal Agarwal
- Mahabharata question
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- creative atomic scientists translations
- Saraswati... (nairukta)
- Comparative linguistics
- [Re: Comparative linguistics]
- SV: Comparative linguistics
Lars Martin Fosse
- Agni is scientific
Bob Peck
- Mushtanda; and Bharat
Robert Zydenbos
- SV: Comparative linguistics
Robert Zydenbos
- Negroids & Shudras, North-south
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Comparative linguistics--advantage--criteria desired
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Thirukkural and Buddhism
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- on zankara's date - 2
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- Mushtanda; and Bharat
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- [Re: creative atomic scientists translations]
Rahul Oka
- [Re: Comparative linguistics]
Rahul Oka
- Sandrakottos and Candagutta/Candragupta
- Thirukkural and Buddhism, North/south architecture
Yashwant Malaiya
- recent controversies
Timothy C. Cahill
- Negroids & Shudras, North-south
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Saraswati: Atomic (Dr. Wujastyk)
Michael Witzel
- [creative atomic scientist's translations]
Michael Witzel
- Mughal
youri martini
- Agni is scientific
Somayaji Rajagopala
- Negroids & Shudras, North-south
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Mushtanda; and Bharat
Vishal Agarwal
- Mushtanda; and Bharat
Vishal Agarwal
- Saraswati (Dr. Witzel)
Vishal Agarwal
- A plea for respect and decency
Chris Wallis
- Comparative linguistics
Sam Garg
- Bhartrhari
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- on zankara's date - 2
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- Sarasvati (makSU ... avo vRNImahe!)
Michael Witzel
- A plea for respect and decency
Raveen Satkurunathan
- A plea for respect and decency
Chris Wallis
- A plea for respect and decency
robert langston
- Ceremonial disposal of the "asva" carcass ?
Michael Witzel
- Comparative linguistics
Bharat Gupt
- vedas as science
Bob Peck
- vedas as science
George Thompson
- Saraswati... (nairukta)
Michael Witzel
- Horse & BMAC
Michael Witzel
- Sarasvati (makSU ... avo vRNImahe!)
David Salmon (Kettenpom)
- Horse & BMAC
Koenraad Elst
- Etymology
Ruth Laila Schmidt
- Agni is scientific
Dominik Wujastyk
- [creative atomic scientist's translations]
Dominik Wujastyk
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location (Dr. Wujastyk)
Dominik Wujastyk
- Horse & BMAC
Michael Witzel
- plea for decency
- Anachronistic energy
Bob Peck
- Yavanas
Klaus Karttunen
- Indological funding pie [was Re: Etymology]
Dominik Wujastyk
- [ADMIN] INDOLOGY account cancellations
Dominik Wujastyk
- Horse & BMAC & much more
Koenraad Elst
- Mughal
Peter Wyzlic
- [Re: Comparative linguistics]
Robert Zydenbos
- Indological funding pie
Stephen Hodge
- [ADMIN] INDOLOGY account cancellations
Stephen Hodge
- Mahabharata question
Georg von Simson
- Indological funding pie
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- [ADMIN] INDOLOGY account cancellations
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- A plea for respect and decency
Paul Kekai Manansala
- A plea for respect and decency
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Ceremonial disposal of the "asva" carcass ?
Paul Kekai Manansala
- A plea for respect and decency
Chris Wallis
- Horse & BMAC & TM
Koenraad Elst
- A plea for respect and decency
- Avestan language
Rustam Masalewala
- Mahabharata question
Alf Hiltebeitel
- Avestan language
Mark Froelich
- Ceremonial disposal of the "asva" carcass (apart from the asvamedha sacrifice)?
Dinesh Maheshwari/CAD
- Mushtanda; and Bharat
Robert Zydenbos
- A plea for respect and decency
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Comparative linguistics
Robert Zydenbos
- Mahabharata question
Artur Karp
- on zankara's date - 2
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- Comparative linguistics
Robert Zydenbos
- Unsubscribe
Tarek Wani
- Yavanas
- Yavanas
Madhav Deshpande
- Asko Parpola on Todas, any comments ?
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Dates of the written Rgveda
Prasad Velusamy
- on zankara's date - 2
Lakshmi Srinivas
- Ganakashtadhyayi (ver1.0) - A Software on Panini's Sutras - Errors fixed
Dr Shivamurthy Swamiji
- Ceremonial disposal of the "asva" carcass ?
Michael Witzel
- [ADMIN] INDOLOGY account cancellations
Michael Witzel
- Dates of the written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- Dates of the written Rgveda
Prasad Velusamy
- Yavanas
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- Horse & BMAC & much more
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- Mahabharata question
Artur Karp
- on zankara's date - 2
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- Dates of the written Rgveda
Stephen Hodge
- Dates of the written Rgveda
Steve Farmer
- Dates of the written Rgveda
Stephen Hodge
- Ceremonial disposal of the "asva" carcass ?
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Angavastram
- Obituary: Dr S. Sharma Peri
Roland Steiner
- Angavastram
Madhav Deshpande
- Dates of the written Rgveda
- on zankara's date - 2
Lakshmi Srinivas
- Avestan language
Michael Witzel
- Yavanas
Michael Witzel
- Asvamedha in Kasmir/Gandhara
Joseph Walser
- Comparative linguistics
Sam Garg
- Saraswati: Atomic Scientists reconfirm location (Dr. Wujastyk)
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Sv: Re: Muktinath
Ulrich T. Kragh
- Comparative linguistics
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- Comparative linguistics
Sam Garg
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Koenraad Elst
- Thirukkural and Buddhism
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- Comparative linguistics
Robert Zydenbos
- on zankara's date - 2
Venkatraman Iyer
- Asko Parpola on Todas, any comments ?
Paul Kekai Manansala
- on zankara's date - 2
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- Query on a myth of "Siva killing a shark
Nobumi Iyanaga
- on zankara's date - 2
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- Mahabharata question
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- Query on a myth of "Siva killing a shark
Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat
- (Fwd) Religion news - daily newsletter.
Roland Steiner
- on zankara's date - 2
Lakshmi Srinivas
- Apologies [(Fwd) Religion news - daily newsletter]
Roland Steiner
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Michael Witzel
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- kumArila question
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- kumArila question
Madhav Deshpande
- Fw: Re: Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Koenraad Elst
- Query on a myth of "Siva killing a shark
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- kumArila question
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- Mahabharata question
Georg von Simson
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Michael Witzel
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Koenraad Elst
- Announcing Project South Asia (FWD)
Raveen Satkurunathan
- It works!
T. Limonard
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Michael Witzel
- Query on a myth of "Siva killing a shark
Nobumi Iyanaga
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Stephen Hodge
- Horse & BMAC & much more
Dominik Wujastyk
- Bibliographic information needed: Black Yajur Veda
Harry Spier
- Thirukkural, Yavanas
Yashwant Malaiya
- Yavanas
Stephen Hodge
- on zankara's date - 2
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
- Munda, Dravidian, etc.
Michael Witzel
- Spread of Iron usage around 1000BCE?
Dinesh Maheshwari
- thank you: angavastram
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Koenraad Elst
- Summer school in spoken Sanskrit
Thomas Lehmann
- Horse & BMAC & much more
- [ADMIN] list volume
Dominik Wujastyk
- Munda, Dravidian, etc.
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- Munda, Dravidian, etc.
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Fw: Re: Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Koenraad Elst
- Yavanas
Yashwant Malaiya
- Yavanas
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Horse & BMAC & much more
Claude Setzer
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Paul Kekai Manansala
- Varanasi o.p bookdealers
Allen W Thrasher
- Yavanas
Royce Wiles
- Yavanas
Robert Zydenbos
- Yavanas
Stephen Hodge
- Thanks For "Gypsies: Out of Bharat"
Tein Network
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Mark Phillips
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Koenraad Elst
- Out of Bharat
- Out of Bharat
Madhav Deshpande
- Queries: Diwali, Buddhism and Brahmins
Koenraad Elst
- Position in Tibetan Studies
Kenneth Zysk
- Rebus writing (was: Date of Jyotisa Vedanga)
Venkatraman Iyer
- Rope-Snake
Christopher Miles-Yepez
- Literacy in India
Stephen Hodge
- Horse with 17 pairs of ribs==Przewalski horse?
Dinesh Maheshwari
- sending mail to the list
Dmitriy Lielukhine
- Comparative linguistics
Maniambalam Arasu
- [q] Possehl book
Maniambalam Arasu
- Literacy in India
Lakshmi Srinivas
- Austric ... Atharva-veda
Ashok Aklujkar
- [Re: Comparative linguistics]
- [Re: Comparative linguistics]
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- [Re: Comparative linguistics]
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- P.V.Kane's HDS in abridged form
Ashok Aklujkar
- [Re: Comparative linguistics]
Vishal Agarwal
- sending mail to the list
Claude Setzer
- NArada
Rajarshi Banerjee
Motilal Banarasidass Publishers
- Rajvade
Klaus Karttunen
- Rajvade
Madhav Deshpande
- Comparative linguistics
Sam Garg
- Rajvade
Madhav Deshpande
- Literacy in India
Steve Farmer
- P.V.Kane's HDS in abridged form
Dominik Wujastyk
- sending mail to the list
Dmitriy Lielukhine
- Pandita Ramabai
Stuart Ray Sarbacker
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Venkatraman Iyer
- sending mail to the list
Claude Setzer
- CARB fonts for Macintosh
Ruth Laila Schmidt
- Apology
Ruth Laila Schmidt
- P.V.Kane's HDS in abridged form
Axel Michaels
- Comparative linguistics
Roland Steiner
- Literacy in India
Lakshmi Srinivas
- Comparative linguistics (Addendum)
Roland Steiner
- P.V.Kane's HDS in abridged form
Mikael Aktor
- Comparative linguistics
Sam Garg
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
- Alternative theories. was: Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
- reuest help
Joshi Rasik
- P.V.Kane's HDS in abridged form
Dominik Wujastyk
- Indological projects [was: P.V.Kane's HDS in abridged form]
Dominik Wujastyk
- Depiction of "horse" in the rock paintings of Bhimabetaka?
Dinesh Maheshwari
- Info on Bhattas
nanda chandran
- (Email) Address of Thomas Malten
Arlo Griffiths
- Indological projects [was: P.V.Kane's HDS in abridged form]
Axel Michaels
- Info on Bhattas
Axel Michaels
- email Address of Thomas Malten
Christiane Sarrazin
- Comparative linguistics
Robert Zydenbos
- Comparative linguistics
Sam Garg
- Vimanas!
Chris Beetle
- Tiruvalluvar Rock Memorial
Venkatraman Iyer
- Horse with 17 pairs of ribs
Dinesh Maheshwari
- Java based Email
Maniambalam Arasu
- Need infor. on Kavadi and other Indian body piercing rituals (FWD)
Raveen Satkurunathan
- Need infor. on Kavadi and other Indian body piercing rituals (FWD)
Noel Salmond
- tech. question, Mac OS 8.6
Timothy C. Cahill
- tech. question, Mac OS 8.6
- tech. question, Mac OS 8.6
Federico Squarcini
- Electronic Mahabharata
Dominik Wujastyk
- Electronic Mahabharata
Dominik Wujastyk
- tech. question, Mac OS 8.6
hmdplawr at UXMAIL.UST.HK
- Tiruvalluvar Rock Memorial
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- tech. question, Mac OS 8.6
hmdplawr at UXMAIL.UST.HK
- Word Processor based on TN encoding
Swaminathan Madhuresan
- New translation of PS Filliozat's book
Dominik Wujastyk
- Date of Jyotisa Vedanga
Koenraad Elst
Last message date:
Fri Mar 31 22:12:16 UTC 2000
Archived on: Thu Aug 26 00:39:14 UTC 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).