BiBTeX Packages for citing MSS

Mahoney, Richard B. rbm49 at STUDENT.CANTERBURY.AC.NZ
Thu Mar 9 04:08:26 UTC 2000

Dear Readers,

Over the past few months I have been making the - at times
frustrating - transition from WordPerfect to TeX and LaTex. Looking
back, all the effort seems worth it. Now I hope I'll never have to
use a word processor again.  I am especially indebted to those who
have made ``Devanaagarii'' and ``EDMAC'' available.  On a primitive
and antiquated PC, I can now typeset Skt. class readings.  A short
while ago I considered this unrealistic. All this said, I have
encountered a problem with BiBTeX.

BiBTeX has been useful in organizing and typesetting most run of the
mill citations and bibliographies.  I am using the ``Oxford''
package: its closest to the way I have always tried to do things.
But what does one do if MSS need to be cited?

Does anyone know of a BiBTeX package which can appropriately format
references to South East Asian Skt. MSS?
Richard B. Mahoney
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
University of Canterbury

Email: rbm49 at
Telephone: 0064-3-351-5831

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