Query on a myth of "Siva killing a shark

Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan Palaniappa at AOL.COM
Wed Mar 22 14:40:00 UTC 2000

In a message dated 3/22/2000 1:53:29 AM Central Standard Time,
pfilliozat at MAGIC.FR writes:

> Dear Member,
>  In the Shaiva mythology what I have read is that Shiva takes the form of a
>  "Hamsa" Indian swan to kill the Fish. This fish was none else but VisNu in
>  Matsyaavataara.


The story is indeed part of the 64 "games" of ziva in Madurai described in
the tiruviLaiyATal purANam versions. The details are essentially correct but
left out are some interesting details regarding how ziva's sons murukan2 and
piLLaiyAr (vinAyaka) get upset with ziva. So ziva curses murukan2 to be a
deaf-mute child of a merchant who later judges which is the best commentary
among the many ones on a grammar of tamil love poetry. For a discussion in
English, see "Sacred Marriage of a Hindu Goddess", by William P. Harman,
1992, pp. 120-122.

S. Palaniappan

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