Elst's review of Kochhar's Vedic People

Paul Kekai Manansala kekai at JPS.NET
Sun Mar 12 07:29:48 UTC 2000

Michael Witzel wrote:
> > PK Manasala:>
> > Also, the steppe is really not suitable for cattle herders
> You conveniently cut my note on cows:
> >>" And cattle are of course found all over the steppes, from the
> Ukraine eastwards, from at least c. 4000 BCE onwards. They did not go there
> of their own volition. How to keep them during winter is another problem."

Cattle may have been present but that's not the same as describing the
invading "Aryans" as cattle herders, which implies they were nomadic

In the same sense, chariots may have been present in the steppe, but the
nomadic people from that region have traditionally been mounted
warriors. Is there any evidence to suggest large chariot panzer
divisions in the steppe? For example, there is quite a bit of evidence
that war chariots were widely used in the Middle East and Northeastern

Paul Kekai Manansala

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