
Paul Kekai Manansala kekai at JPS.NET
Wed Mar 15 22:54:09 UTC 2000

Koenraad Elst wrote:
> horse evidence should be
> compared with that in Indian sites generally acknowledged as
Vedic-Aryan,> reputedly> horse-centred, e.g. Hastinapura.  I recall an
explanation by Prof.> Romila Thapar about Hastinapura (in Social
Scientist, Delhi, Jan. 1996), to> the effect that the paucity of horses
found there was due to the confinement> of the use of horses to the
> (necessarily minoritarian) aristocracy.  So there too, the harvest of
horse> bones was disappointing.   Had carbon-14 dating not put the site
squarely in> a period when that part of India is universally
acknowledged to have been> Indo-Aryan-speaking, then it might well have
been diagnosed as non-Aryan for> lack of sufficient horse remains to
match the reputed centrality of the> horse in Aryan culture.

I agree.  If horse-centeredness is central to the "Aryan"
invasion/migration theory then it cannot only be used as negative
evidence against conflicting theories.

Likewise, is there any evidence of the Dasa cities of metal/copper
anywhere in India?

Paul Kekai Manansala
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