March 2025 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Mar 1 12:52:32 UTC 2025
Ending: Mon Mar 31 17:03:43 UTC 2025
Messages: 143
- [INDOLOGY] Bṛhadārṇayaka 2.3.4
Joanna Jurewicz
- [INDOLOGY] Bṛhadārṇayaka 2.3.4
Joanna Jurewicz
- [INDOLOGY] Bṛhadārṇayaka 2.3.4
Brendan Gillon
- [INDOLOGY] Bṛhadārṇayaka 2.3.4
Christophe Vielle
- [INDOLOGY] The 41st Annual Sanskrit Traditions Symposium - Call for Papers
Rembert Lutjeharms
- [INDOLOGY] Why not HK?
Giulio Geymonat
- [INDOLOGY] 2025 Eurasia Summer Academy – Vienna Summer School on the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia
Marco Ferrante
- [INDOLOGY] Why not HK?
Dominik A. Haas
- [INDOLOGY] Why not HK?
Lubin, Tim
- [INDOLOGY] Anandashrama in Pune
Dominik Wujastyk
- [INDOLOGY] Why not HK?
Dominik Wujastyk
- [INDOLOGY] PDF search: Kielhorn's Mahābhāṣya ed. revised by Abhyankar
Dominik Wujastyk
- [INDOLOGY] Seeking recommendations on “Kala Pani”
Yang Qu
- [INDOLOGY] Worldly and Non-Worldly in Indian Thought
Yang Qu
- [INDOLOGY] Article from Orientations July/August 2023 VOLUME 54 - NUMBER 4
- [INDOLOGY] PDF search: Kielhorn's Mahābhāṣya ed. revised by Abhyankar
victor davella
- [INDOLOGY] Why not HK?
Giulio Geymonat
- [INDOLOGY] CFP: The Category of “Nature” and Anthropocentrism of Philosophy of Religion, GCPR
Agnieszka Rostalska
- [INDOLOGY] PDF search: Kielhorn's Mahābhāṣya ed. revised by Abhyankar
Ryan Conlon
- [INDOLOGY] Seeking recommendations on “Kala Pani”
- [INDOLOGY] Knowledge Tree
- [INDOLOGY] Periyapurāṇam
Buchholz, Jonas
- [INDOLOGY] Most recent iteration of the same claim
Matthew Kapstein
- [INDOLOGY] Most recent iteration of the same claim
Andrew Ollett
- [INDOLOGY] Most recent iteration of the same claim
Uskokov, Aleksandar
- [INDOLOGY] Most recent iteration of the same claim
Sebastian Nehrdich
- [INDOLOGY] request for access to publication (Vogel, C.: The Teachings of the Six Heretics)
Piotr Balcerowicz
- [INDOLOGY] request for access to publication (Vogel, C.: The Teachings of the Six Heretics)
Piotr Balcerowicz
- [INDOLOGY] Book announcement: Mirror of Ornaments (Alaṅkāradappaṇō)
Andrew Ollett
- [INDOLOGY] Book announcement: Mirror of Ornaments (Alaṅkāradappaṇō)
Patrick Olivelle
- [INDOLOGY] Most recent iteration of the same claim
KORN Agnes
- [INDOLOGY] Book announcement: Mirror of Ornaments (Alaṅkāradappaṇō)
Hock, Hans Henrich
- [INDOLOGY] Most recent iteration of the same claim
Asko Parpola
- [INDOLOGY] Most recent iteration of the same claim
Steve Farmer
- [INDOLOGY] Most recent iteration of the same claim
Steve Farmer
- [INDOLOGY] Book announcement: Mirror of Ornaments (Alaṅkāradappaṇō)
Harry Spier
- [INDOLOGY] Book announcement: Mirror of Ornaments (Alaṅkāradappaṇō)
Madhav Deshpande
- [INDOLOGY] Book announcement: Mirror of Ornaments (Alaṅkāradappaṇō)
- [INDOLOGY] Book announcement: Mirror of Ornaments (Alaṅkāradappaṇō)
Lavanya Vemsani
- [INDOLOGY] Funded TAships for Master's Students
Aleksandra Restifo
- [INDOLOGY] Reminder: Postdoctoral Scholar Position - ASTRA (Deadline: April 13, 2025)
AJ Misra
- [INDOLOGY] Upcoming talk on Monday, March 17 at CHSTM History of Science in Early South Asia
Dagmar Wujastyk
- [INDOLOGY] Online Indology Lecture Series at Ghent
Charles DiSimone
- [INDOLOGY] Filliozat (1971): "Le Tattvaprakāśa du roi Bhoja et les commentaires de Aghoraśivācārya et de Śrīkumāra"
Olga Nowicka
- [INDOLOGY] Fwd: RESILIENCE Fifth Call for Applications: Transnational Access Fellowships 2025-2026
Christophe Vielle
- [INDOLOGY] Upcoming Info Sessions for South Asian Studies MA Programme at Ghent
Charles DiSimone
- [INDOLOGY] Online Indology Lecture Series at Ghent
- [INDOLOGY] Online Indology Lecture Series at Ghent
Charles DiSimone
- [INDOLOGY] request for access to publication (Gönc Moačanin, Klara: "The Nalopākhyāna Seen through the Lens of kāvya")
- [INDOLOGY] Indian Journal of History of Science back issues
David and Nancy Reigle
- [INDOLOGY] Indexing application
Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan
- [INDOLOGY] Public Lecture: Dr. Gao Mingyuan at Waseda
YAMABE Nobuyoshi
- [INDOLOGY] request for access to publication (Gönc Moačanin, Klara: "The Nalopākhyāna Seen through the Lens of kāvya")
- [INDOLOGY] Two Conferences: New horizons of Indological Research, SSUS Kalady, 19-21 March, and Poetry and History - IFP Pondicherry 27-28 March
Christophe Vielle
- [INDOLOGY] Vedic accents in Latex
Oliver Hellwig
- [INDOLOGY] Typing vedic sanskrit in devanagari and in transliteration
Harry Spier
- [INDOLOGY] unidentified S. Indian MSS
Dominik Wujastyk
- [INDOLOGY] Help with dī́divim
McComas Taylor
- [INDOLOGY] Help with dī́divim
Sharon Ben-Dor
- [INDOLOGY] Help with dī́divim
Carmen Spiers
- [INDOLOGY] Help with dī́divim
Sharon Ben-Dor
- [INDOLOGY] Help with dī́divim
Uskokov, Aleksandar
- [INDOLOGY] Help with dī́divim
Carmen Spiers
- [INDOLOGY] unidentified S. Indian MSS
Deepro Chakraborty
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Nataliya Yanchevskaya
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Uskokov, Aleksandar
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Madhav Deshpande
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Dominik Wujastyk
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA
- [INDOLOGY] Help with dī́divim
Harry Spier
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Lyne Bansat-Boudon
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Madhav Deshpande
- [INDOLOGY] [eJIM] eJIM, the eJournal of Indian Medicine, has just published a new article: "Sanskrit Medical Scholasticism III" by K.G. Zysk and T. Yamashita
Jan E.M. Houben
- [INDOLOGY] Help with dī́divim
McComas Taylor
- [INDOLOGY] Help with dī́divim
Caley Smith
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Christian Ferstl
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Walter Slaje
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Antonia Ruppel
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Christophe Vielle
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Walter Slaje
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Christophe Vielle
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Madhav Deshpande
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Walter Slaje
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA
- [INDOLOGY] devabhāṣā query
patrick mccartney
- [INDOLOGY] devabhāṣā query
Shrikant Bahulkar
- [INDOLOGY] devabhāṣā query
Madhav Deshpande
- [INDOLOGY] devabhāṣā query
Nagaraj Paturi
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Christophe Vielle
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Madhav Deshpande
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Lyne Bansat-Boudon
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
victor davella
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Uskokov, Aleksandar
- [INDOLOGY] devabhāṣā query
patrick mccartney
- [INDOLOGY] van Buitenen's translation of the ṛśyaśṛṅga story in the Mahabharata
Harry Spier
- [INDOLOGY] van Buitenen's translation of the ṛśyaśṛṅga story in the Mahabharata
Harry Spier
- [INDOLOGY] Indian Journal of History of Science back issues
David and Nancy Reigle
- [INDOLOGY] Indian Journal of History of Science back issues
David and Nancy Reigle
- [INDOLOGY] From the Organisers of the 19th WSC in Kathmandu
McComas Taylor
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Dominik A. Haas
- [INDOLOGY] WSC Kathmandu
Dominik Wujastyk
- [INDOLOGY] Looking for a book - Kings and ascetics in Indian classical literature
Дмитрий Комиссаров
- [INDOLOGY] vAk siddhi
Harald Wiese
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Harry Spier
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Uskokov, Aleksandar
- [INDOLOGY] Indian Journal of History of Science back issues
David and Nancy Reigle
- [INDOLOGY] WSC Kathmandu
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
- [INDOLOGY] From the Organisers of the 19th WSC in Kathmandu
Shrikant Bahulkar
- [INDOLOGY] From the Organisers of the 19th WSC in Kathmandu
Jean Michel DELIRE
- [INDOLOGY] [SARI-L] The 41st Annual Sanskrit Traditions Symposium - Call for Papers
Tillo Detige
- [INDOLOGY] From the Organisers of the 19th WSC in Kathmandu
Samuel Grimes
- [INDOLOGY] In support of the WSC
McComas Taylor
- [INDOLOGY] OCR with diacritics
Paras Mehta
- [INDOLOGY] Manuscript in Varanasi
Jean Michel DELIRE
- [INDOLOGY] Help with finding text: Maricisamhita, Īgavaripalem edition (1927)
Andrea Farran, Prof
- [INDOLOGY] Verpoorten's work on AB word order
Dieter Gunkel
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Harry Spier
- [INDOLOGY] OCR with diacritics
Dominik Wujastyk
- [INDOLOGY] OCR with diacritics
Dominik Wujastyk
- [INDOLOGY] NEW BOOK: Collett Cox, A Gāndhārī Abhidharma Text: British Library Kharoṣṭhī Fragment 28
Collett Cox
- [INDOLOGY] [External] NEW BOOK: Collett Cox, A Gāndhārī Abhidharma Text: British Library Kharoṣṭhī Fragment 28
Walser, Joseph
- [INDOLOGY] NEW BOOK: Collett Cox, A Gāndhārī Abhidharma Text: British Library Kharoṣṭhī Fragment 28
Dan Lusthaus
- [INDOLOGY] OCR with diacritics
Natālija Burišina
- [INDOLOGY] Article search
Matthew Kapstein
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
victor davella
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Harry Spier
- [INDOLOGY] OCR with diacritics
Dominik Wujastyk
- [INDOLOGY] Publication announcement: Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia 37 (2024)
Malgorzata Wielinska-Soltwedel
- [INDOLOGY] OCR with diacritics
Paras Mehta
- [INDOLOGY] OCR with diacritics
Paras Mehta
- [INDOLOGY] dvandva → bahuvrīhi?
Dominik A. Haas
- [INDOLOGY] Inquiry on Equatorium and Planetary Diagrams in Sanskrit Sources
AJ Misra
- [INDOLOGY] Inquiry on Equatorium and Planetary Diagrams in Sanskrit Sources
Jean Michel DELIRE
- [INDOLOGY] Inquiry on Equatorium and Planetary Diagrams in Sanskrit Sources
Lubomír Ondračka
- [INDOLOGY] Inquiry on Equatorium and Planetary Diagrams in Sanskrit Sources
AJ Misra
- [INDOLOGY] Inquiry on Equatorium and Planetary Diagrams in Sanskrit Sources
Jean Michel DELIRE
- [INDOLOGY] four Sanskrit comic books
Tyler Neill
- [INDOLOGY] Fwd: four Sanskrit comic books
Asko Parpola
- [INDOLOGY] four Sanskrit comic books
Madhav Deshpande
- [INDOLOGY] Position as Principal Researcher (tenure-track) "Philology of Indian Buddhism" at Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna (Deadline 30 April 2025)
Birgit Kellner
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 17:03:43 UTC 2025
Archived on: Mon Mar 31 17:03:46 UTC 2025
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