[INDOLOGY] Vyākhyāyukti and Vyākhyāyukti-ṭīkā

Gleb Sharygin gleb.sharygin at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 14:09:26 UTC 2022

Dear colleagues,

I need to consult a number of passages from the 4th chapter of the
*(and those corresponding to them
in the *ṭīkā*). It seems that the best critical edition of those is that of
T. Horiuchi (俊郎 堀内),
世親の大乗仏説論: 『釈軌論』第四章を中心に』, 東京 : 山喜房佛書林. 2009.

I would be grateful if someone could share it with me.


With kind regards,

Gleb Sharygin
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