[INDOLOGY] Garuda's resolution

Artur Karp karp at uw.edu.pl
Mon Sep 10 15:02:45 UTC 2018

Dear Prof. Hock,

Thanks for the detailed analysis of the sentence.

But. 'Anyone'.

My English-Polish/Polish-English Dictionary directs me from 'anyone' to
'anybody'. And - according to it - 'anybody' may also mean 'somebody
unimportant'. In Polish: 'byle kto'.

Would you - definitely - exclude this very meaning? After careful
deliberations, I decided for using it in my Polish translation of the


Artur Karp (MA)
Senior Lecturer in Sanskrit and Pali (ret.)
Department of South Asian Studies
University of Warsaw

2018-09-10 15:58 GMT+02:00 Hock, Hans Henrich <hhhock at illinois.edu>:

> Dear Colleague,
> The usual interpretation of the combination *kim* (interrogative pronoun)
> plus *cid* is as an indefinite, and combined with the negative * na*, it
> is best translated (in English) as ‘anybody’. So the interpretation of the
> line would have to be something like ‘I (aham) will not (na) give (dāsyāmi)
> soma to even (api) anyone (kasmaicid) to take (samādātum) [it]’. So,
> everybody will be excluded from taking the soma.
> Best wishes,
> Hans Henrich Hock
> On 10 Sep 2018, at 00:47, Artur Karp via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
> Dear List,
> In Mbh I, 30.8 *b* Garuda says:
> na dāsyāmi samādātuṃ somaṃ kasmaicidapyaham
> *kasmaicid* - (to) *whom*?
> Who is going to be excluded?
> Your opinion, please?
> Thank you,
> Artur Karp
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