[INDOLOGY] Continuing my Krishna verses

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Thu May 10 14:12:08 UTC 2018

Continuing with my Krishna verses:

नटनं तव रङ्गे चेदेवमानन्दवर्धनम् ।

तवैव नाट्ये गोविन्द निवेशय पुन: पुन: ।।१७६।।

O Kr̥ṣṇa, if acting in your play is so delightful, then engage me in your
play again and again.

वेणुना तव गोविन्द प्रेरिता ध्वनयो वयम् ।

आत्मानन्दा: सदानन्दा: कथं स्याम न माधव ।।१७७।।

O Kr̥ṣṇa, we are the sounds coming from your flute.  O Mādhava, delighting
in ourselves, how should we not always be happy?

अग्निस्त्वं भ्राजमानोऽसि स्फुलिङ्गा: परितो वयम् ।

त्वत्त एवोद्गता: कृष्ण त्वामेव पुनरागता: ।।१७८।।

You are the blazing fire and we are the sparks rising from you and flying
around and coming back to you, O Kr̥ṣṇa.

सखायस्ते जगद्रङ्गे त्वया प्रीत्या विनिर्मिता: ।

तव प्रीत्यै करिष्यामो जगदीश यथेच्छसि ।।१७९।।

On your stage of the world, O Lord, you created us with love, and for your
pleasure, we will do what you want us to do.

वचनं ते करिष्यामो यथा प्राह रणाङ्गणे ।

पार्थ: श्रुत्वोपदेशं ते त्वामेव शरणं गत: ।।१८०।।

We will carry out your words, as Arjuna said after listening to your advice
on the battlefield, and as he took refuge in you.

एकस्यामेव शाखायामहं च त्वं च माधव ।

स्थितौ सुपर्णौ त्वं ज्येष्ठ: कनिष्ठो बन्धुरस्मि ते ।।१८१।।

You and I are two birds sitting on the same branch, O Mādhava.  You are the
older brother and I am the younger.

शक्ताभ्यां तव पक्षाभ्यां नभ: स्पृशसि केशव ।

अहमद्यापि शाखायां स्थित: सम्भ्रान्तमानस: ।।१८२।।

O Kr̥ṣṇa, with your strong wings you touch the sky.  With a confused mind,
I am still sitting on the branch.

कथं शाखां परित्यज्य गगने मे गतिर्भवेत् ।

अस्ति वा नास्ति वा शक्ति: पक्षयोर्मम माधव ।।१८३।।

Having left the branch, how will I move in the sky?  O Mādhava, is there
strength in my wings?

भ्रमन्तं गगने दृष्ट्वा त्वामहं प्रयते यदि ।

पतिष्ये चेदध:पातात् को मे त्राता भविष्यति ।।१८४।।

Seeing you roaming in the sky, if I were to try and fall, then who will
save me from the fall?

त्राणाय यदि सिद्धोऽसि प्रयते गगनोद्गमे ।

पश्य मां गगने यान्तमपतित्वा ततस्तत: ।।१८५।।

If you are ready to save me, then i will try to fly in the sky.  Watch me
flying into the sky without falling here and there.

बन्धुस्त्वमसि मे कृष्ण धन्यो बन्धुतया तव ।

सदैव ते कृपादृष्टिरस्तु भ्रातरि माधव ।।१८६।।

You are my brother, O Kr̥ṣṇa, and I am fortunate to have you as my brother.
O Mādhava, always have your compassionate gaze on your brother.

तव गोकुललीलायां सखाहं दधिचोरणे ।

मयापि चोरितं सर्वं खादितं तु त्वया दधि ।।१८७।।

In your play in Gokula, I was your friend in stealing yoghurt.  But you ate
all the yoghurt that I had stolen.

तव सख्येन को लाभो भविष्यति जनार्दन ।

यच्चोरितं त्वया कृष्ण तदर्धं देहि मे हरे ।।१८८।।

O Lord, what is the benefit of becoming your friend?  Give me half of what
you stole, O Kr̥ṣṇa.

चौर्यं ते निगृहीतोऽहं न्याय्यं किं तज्जनार्दन ।

चौर्येण निगृहीतं मां कृष्ण मोचय सत्वरम् ।।१८९।।

It was your theft, and I was caught.  Is this right, O Kr̥ṣṇa?  Please
quickly free me caught for the theft.

Madhav Deshpande
Campbell, California

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