[INDOLOGY] Sanskrit idiom question

Ashok Aklujkar ashok.aklujkar at gmail.com
Thu Jun 29 01:56:05 UTC 2017

> On Jun 28, 2017, at 11:34 AM, Martin Gansten via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
> I would be grateful for help with determining whether a phrase (so far located only in a single manuscript of the Hāyanaratna) is an idiomatic Sanskrit expression unknown to me or a corrupt reading. The verse in question runs:
> candre vibale na syād yadi cenduḥ krūravarjito ’nyena |
> daśamadṛśādir dvāraṃ kurute tat kiṃcid āpnoti ||
> 'If the moon is weak, it [= gaining a kingdom] will not happen, but if the moon, free from malefics, (xxx xxx xxx) with another [planet] by a tenth-[sign] aspect, then [the querent] gains something.’

dvāraṁ kurute should mean (‘makes a door’—>) ‘provides an opening; cf. Ashok Aklujkar, 2005, Sanskrit: an Easy Introduction to an Enchanting Language, vol. 1, appendix 8, item/point 19 (probably on the basis of V.S. Apte’s _Student’s Guide to Sanskrit Composition): 
	>A number of idiomatic constructions are possible with the root kṛ.  In interpreting them, the original sense of kṛ ‘make/fashion, do, cause’ should be appropriately extended; thus, saṁ jñāṁ kurute ‘He makes the designation —> coins the name —> gives the name’; citte karoti  ‘He does in mind —> brings about in mind —> thinks about’; padaṁ karoti ‘He makes a step —> he takes a step —> steps.’<

Like the imaginary movement phrases (pañcatvaṁ gam, nidhanaṁ gam, etc.), the kṛ phrases illustrated above are an open class. 

> daśamadṛśādir 

This should be daśamadṛśā dvir, with dvir/dvis going with dvāraṁ kurute and meaning ’for a second time, once again, afresh’. I have come across other cases of dvi misread as di or ddhi. 


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