[INDOLOGY] Sanskrit idiom question

Martin Gansten martingansten at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 18:34:25 UTC 2017

Namo vidvadbhyaḥ: I would be grateful for help with determining whether 
a phrase (so far located only in a single manuscript of the 
/Hāyanaratna/) is an idiomatic Sanskrit expression unknown to me or a 
corrupt reading. The verse in question runs:

candre vibale na syād yadi cenduḥ krūravarjito ’nyena |
daśamadṛś_ādir __dvāraṃ kurute_ tat kiṃcid āpnoti ||

'If the moon is weak, it [= gaining a kingdom] will not happen, but if 
the moon, free from malefics, (xxx xxx xxx) with another [planet] by a 
tenth-[sign] aspect, then [the querent] gains something.'

I have never encountered the expression /dvāraṃ kṛ-/ or anything like 
it, but that in itself doesn't mean a lot.

Thanks in avance for any suggestions,

Martin Gansten

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