[INDOLOGY] Lexicographic order / sentence boundaries
Jonathan Silk
kauzeya at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 09:42:39 UTC 2016
Dr Dimitrov may have pointed out recently the debt of MW to PW, but this is
not new; a paper from long ago has been cited on this list before, in which
the exact situation is investigated in detail:
Best, Jonathan
On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Walter Slaje <slaje at kabelmail.de> wrote:
> I think the answer is simple. Monier's dictionary is basically a
> translation of Boehtlingk's PW, as Dr Dimitrov has pointed out only
> recently. One of the consequences thereof is that Monier has also adopted
> Boehtlingk's order of meanings, which generally depict the chronological
> sequence and related textual categories of his sources. In the present
> case, evidence for the first meaning of aṭṭa ("watch-tower") was found by
> him in the Rāmāyaṇa, the second in Hemacandra's Abhidhānacintāmaṇi. A close
> perusal of Boehtlingk's prefaces to his own dictionaries (PW & pw) and the
> principles he followed will possibly clarify also the matter as far as
> Monier-Williams' plagiarism is concerned. He might however have left an
> information about the way he structured the order of meanings in his
> preface.
> Kind regards,
> WS
> -----------------------------
> Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje
> Hermann-Löns-Str. 1
> D-99425 Weimar
> Deutschland
> 2016-11-03 9:31 GMT+01:00 <hellwig7 at gmx.de>:
>> Dear list members,
>> 1) I am trying to find out by which lexicographic principles
>> Monier-Williams and Cappeller ordered the **meanings** of each word in
>> their dictionaries.
>> For instance, MW gives the following first definitions for the lemma
>> aTTa: "a watch-tower; a market, a market-place (...); N. of a Yaksha, ..."
>> – My question is: Why "a watch-tower; a market..." and not "a market; a
>> watch-tower ..."? Tried to find an explanation in his preface, but was not
>> able to detect it. Does anybody have a citation for this ordering?
>> 2) A while back, I asked for your collaboration in annotating sentence
>> boundaries in a few fragments of Sanskrit texts. Thanks to those who took
>> the time for going through the sentences!
>> You find the merged results here:
>> http://www.sanskrit-linguistics.org/tmp/annotations.html
>> Seems to be more complicated than expected!
>> Best, Oliver
>> ---
>> Oliver Hellwig, SFB 991, University of Düsseldorf
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J. Silk
Leiden University
Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
Matthias de Vrieshof 3, Room 0.05b
2311 BZ Leiden
The Netherlands
copies of my publications may be found at
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