[INDOLOGY] Lexicographic order / sentence boundaries

Walter Slaje slaje at kabelmail.de
Thu Nov 3 09:37:20 UTC 2016

I think the answer is simple. Monier's dictionary is basically a
translation of Boehtlingk's PW, as Dr Dimitrov has pointed out only
recently. One of the consequences thereof is that Monier has also adopted
Boehtlingk's order of meanings, which generally depict the chronological
sequence and related textual categories of his sources. In the present
case, evidence for the first meaning of aṭṭa ("watch-tower") was found by
him in the Rāmāyaṇa, the second in Hemacandra's Abhidhānacintāmaṇi. A close
perusal of Boehtlingk's prefaces to his own dictionaries (PW & pw) and the
principles he followed will possibly clarify also the matter as far as
Monier-Williams' plagiarism is concerned. He might however have left an
information about the way he structured the order of meanings in his

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje
Hermann-Löns-Str. 1
D-99425 Weimar

2016-11-03 9:31 GMT+01:00 <hellwig7 at gmx.de>:

> Dear list members,
> 1) I am trying to find out by which lexicographic principles
> Monier-Williams and Cappeller ordered the **meanings** of each word in
> their dictionaries.
> For instance, MW gives the following first definitions for the lemma aTTa:
> "a watch-tower; a market, a market-place (...); N. of a Yaksha, ..." – My
> question is: Why "a watch-tower; a market..." and not "a market; a
> watch-tower ..."? Tried to find an explanation in his preface, but was not
> able to detect it. Does anybody have a citation for this ordering?
> 2) A while back, I asked for your collaboration in annotating sentence
> boundaries in a few fragments of Sanskrit texts. Thanks to those who took
> the time for going through the sentences!
> You find the merged results here:
> http://www.sanskrit-linguistics.org/tmp/annotations.html
> Seems to be more complicated than expected!
> Best, Oliver
> ---
> Oliver Hellwig, SFB 991, University of Düsseldorf
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