[INDOLOGY] Fwd: Mock languages

Stella Sandahl ssandahl at sympatico.ca
Wed Feb 12 15:20:12 UTC 2014



> From: Stella Sandahl <ssandahl at sympatico.ca>
> Subject: Mock languages
> Date: 12 February, 2014 10:15:36 AM EST
> To: Indology <INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk>
> Dear colleagues,
>  It may amuse you to learn that there exists in Sweden a mock language called transpiranto. It started in 1929 in a satirical weekly called Grönköpings Veckoblad (Gronkoping stands for any ridiculous provincial town). It is still published.  Famous poems are 'translated' into transpiranto. The very famous - and serious - Swedish poet Gunnar Ekelof used to 'translate' his own poems into transpiranto and publish them in Grönköpings Veckoblad. 
> Here's a list of titles with transpiranto-translation:
> 'Ack, du min moder/Eja, maj mutter, GV 9/2012
> Afton, o hur skön/ Soaré, wie ball, GV 7/2002
> Aftonklockorna/Najtgonggongs, ÅB 87
> Aftontankar vid Fridas ruta/Soarépensum an Frida´s qvadrat, ÅB 95
> Alla fåglar kommit re´n/Tutti pippoj, GV 4/95
> Arbetets söner/Filoj di knego, GV 4/97
> Barndomshemmet/La domus infantil, ÅB 96
> Betlehems stjärna/Brilla sür kaj et lejk, ÅB 91
> Bisp Thomas frihetssång/Permiskantat, ÅB 93
> Blinka lilla stjärna/Flørta, minimalgalax, ÅB 85
> Blomman och fjärilen/La zippa et la flü, GV 5/2004
> Blåsippor/Blue zeppelin, ÅB 84. Alternativ version Bluesanemon, ÅB 94
> Bordsvisa/Taffeldænga, GV 8/2008
> Bort allt vad oro gör/Wæck, tutt adrenalin, ÅB 85
> Brev från kolonin/Post colonial, GV 5/2006
> Bättre och bättre/Bomus plus bonus, GV 8 2011
> Look up Wikipedia for the rest of the list.
> All the best
> Stella Sandahl
> --
> Stella Sandahl
> ssandahl at sympatico.ca

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