[INDOLOGY] Paul Cremer, Rabindranath Tagore (Sonntagsbeilage der Vossischtn Zeitung vom 18. Januar 1914)

Bijlert, V.A. van v.a.van.bijlert at vu.nl
Wed Feb 12 09:32:46 UTC 2014

The German poem is metrical. Is it possible that it is a poem inspired by Tagore but not one by Tagore himself. in other words: is the poem an original German poem written by this Paul Cremer after having read Tagore's poems. The Cremer text does seem to show a monistic tendency which is not so prominent in Tagore's own writings of that period.
Victor van Bijlert


Dr. Victor A. van Bijlert
Associate professor Religious Studies
Department of Philosophy of Religion and Comparative Study of Religions
Faculty of Theology, VU University
De Boelelaan 1105, NL-1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
v.a.van.bijlert at vu.nl<mailto:v.a.van.bijlert at vu.nl>
From: INDOLOGY [indology-bounces at list.indology.info] on behalf of Dr. Debabrata Chakrabarti [dchakra at hotmail.de]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9:56 AM
To: indology at list.indology.info
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Paul Cremer, Rabindranath Tagore (Sonntagsbeilage der Vossischtn Zeitung vom 18. Januar 1914)

Dear All,
I am looking for the following, but failed to have any trace of it in the internet:
Paul Cremer, Rabindranath Tagore (Sonntagsbeilage der Vossischtn Zeitung vom 18. Januar 1914)
I would like to know whether the following poem was published in the newspapers Sunday Special, and what ought to be its original in English.

•'Menschlicher Wesen Myriaden,
Die diesen Erdball bewohnen.
Kommen zu mir in das Herz,
Wahrhafte Freude zu finden
In gegenseit'ger Gesellschaft:
Liebende treten dort ein.
Blicken einander ins Auge,
Kinderlein stehen und lachen.
Fröhlich erglänzen die Wangen.
Voll ist mein Herz bis zum Rande,
Voll von erhabener Freude,
Und ich gewahre auf Erden
Nicht eine einzige Seele.
Kann es wohl anders auch sein,
Da in mein Herz alle Seelen
Eintraten, Wohnung zu nehmen ?'<
Debabrata Chakrabarti

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