[INDOLOGY] Fwd: CORRECTION: Writing anusvara with avagraha in devanagari (Harry Spier)

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 03:21:48 UTC 2024

Hi Madhav,
It appears that it's not just manuscripts that leave out avagraha but also
modern printed editions.
As Piotr Balcerowicz pointed out, Mahabarata critical edition 3,3,24 does
use avagraha, but if you look at Bhagavad-gItA verse 10-41 in the
Mahabharata critical edition which is Mahabharata 6,32,41 (page attached )
you will see that Belvakar did not use avagraha. And in Belvalkar's printed
edition of the Bhagavad-gItA for that verse he did not put in avagraha.  On
the other hand, Sw. Gambhirananda in his edition (page also attached) did
use avagraha.
Harry Spier

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