[INDOLOGY] dvigata "ambiguous"

Tieken, H.J.H. (Herman) H.J.H.Tieken at hum.leidenuniv.nl
Sun Oct 23 11:36:56 UTC 2022

​I want to thank Lubomir Ondracka and Roland Steiner for the formation (Indische Studien 13) they supplied.
Best, Herman

Herman Tieken
Stationsweg 58
2515 BP Den Haag
The Netherlands
00 31 (0)70 2208127
website: hermantieken.com<http://hermantieken.com/>
Van: INDOLOGY <indology-bounces at list.indology.info> namens Roland Steiner via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info>
Verzonden: zondag 23 oktober 2022 13:05
Aan: indology at list.indology.info <indology at list.indology.info>
Onderwerp: Re: [INDOLOGY] dvigata "ambiguous"

Dear Herman,

> Monier Williams (p. 504c) mentions the expression dvigata, meaning
> "ambiguous" (with reference to Patañjali, a text I am not familiar
> with). I would like to know the exact place and how certain the
> meaning "ambiguous" is in the passage concerned, and furthermore if
> this is the only instance of this dvigata.

pw [= Otto von Böhtlingk: Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung. St.
Petersburg 1879–1889] s.v. dvigata: "zweideutig [= "ambiguous"]
Ind.St. 13,483."

"Ind.St. 13,483" = Indische Studien. Beiträge für die Kunde des
indischen Altertums. Herausgegeben von Albrecht Weber. Mit
Unterstützung der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. 13. Band
(1873), p. 483.

pp. 293-496 = Albrecht Weber: "Das Mahâbhâshya des Patañjali. Benares 1872."

p. 483: âmrâç ca siktâḥ pitaraç ca prîṇitâḥ [= The
Vyākaraṇa-Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali. 3rd ed. Kielhorn/Abhyankar 1972.
Vol. 3, p. 388, l. 9]

p. 483, n. 2: "Als Beispiel für die Angabe: dvigatâ api hetavo
bhavanti [= Mahābhāṣya. Ed. Kielhorn/Abhyankar, Vol. 3, p. 388, l. 8];
in unmittelbarem Anschlusse hieran Folgendes: tathâ vâkyâny api
dvishṭhâni (so Einl., von Nâgeça p. 79 ed. Ballantyne durch: dvayor
arthayor tishṭhanti erklärt; dvigatâni in 8) bhavanti: çveto dhâvati
(oder çvâ ito, Nâgeça), alambusânâm yâtâ oder alam bus. als zwei
Wörter; alambusâ deçaviçeshâḥ busânâm palâlavarṇânâṃ yâtâ prâptimân
alam samartha iti câ ’rthaḥ, Nâg."

Best wishes,

Wilhelm-Roser-Str. 33
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