Dear Herman,
> Monier Williams (p. 504c) mentions the expression dvigata, meaning
> "ambiguous" (with reference to Patañjali, a text I am not familiar
> with). I would like to know the exact place and how certain the
> meaning "ambiguous" is in the passage concerned, and furthermore if
> this is the only instance of this dvigata.
pw [= Otto von Böhtlingk: Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung. St.
Petersburg 1879–1889] s.v. dvigata: "zweideutig [= "ambiguous"]
Ind.St. 13,483."
"Ind.St. 13,483" = Indische Studien. Beiträge für die Kunde des
indischen Altertums. Herausgegeben von Albrecht Weber. Mit
Unterstützung der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. 13. Band
(1873), p. 483.
pp. 293-496 = Albrecht Weber: "Das Mahâbhâshya des Patañjali. Benares 1872."
p. 483: âmrâç ca siktâḥ pitaraç ca prîṇitâḥ [= The
Vyākaraṇa-Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali. 3rd ed. Kielhorn/Abhyankar 1972.
Vol. 3, p. 388, l. 9]
p. 483, n. 2: "Als Beispiel für die Angabe: dvigatâ api hetavo
bhavanti [= Mahābhāṣya. Ed. Kielhorn/Abhyankar, Vol. 3, p. 388, l. 8];
in unmittelbarem Anschlusse hieran Folgendes: tathâ vâkyâny api
dvishṭhâni (so Einl., von Nâgeça p. 79 ed. Ballantyne durch: dvayor
arthayor tishṭhanti erklärt; dvigatâni in 8) bhavanti: çveto dhâvati
(oder çvâ ito, Nâgeça), alambusânâm yâtâ oder alam bus. als zwei
Wörter; alambusâ deçaviçeshâḥ busânâm palâlavarṇânâṃ yâtâ prâptimân
alam samartha iti câ ’rthaḥ, Nâg."
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