[INDOLOGY] iti in Sanskrit

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 22:56:46 UTC 2022

Dear list members,

Palaniappan wrote:

>  the lack of proper search facility makes the information as good as lost
> and we have to repeat questions/discussions that are already in the
> archive. See
> https://list.indology.info/pipermail/indology/2015-July/041594.html. If a
> good search feature is enabled, all the past discussions will become
> accessible.

After the indology archives were moved to a new server and the search
function for older archives stopped working, I appended all the monthly
archive files into a single file to search for my own use.   If this is of
use to any other members, I've just uploaded it by Wetransfer. The link is:
https://we.tl/t-626xcrB4Yv  I think Wetransfer leaves this up for about a

When I search this I use Textpad (available from
https://www.textpad.com/home )  because this text editor loads this large
file (117 Mbytes) very quickly while other text editors I've tried with
this file take forever to load .  This works on windows, I don't know what
text editor to recommend for Mac users.

Harry Spier
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