[INDOLOGY] A request of the pages from Bhikkhu K.L. Dhammajoti, "Entrance into the Supreme Doctrine" (*Abhidharmāvatāra)

Gleb Sharygin gleb.sharygin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 17:02:38 UTC 2022

Dear colleagues,

I am greatful to everyone who responded,  now I have what I was looking for.

Kind regards,
Gleb Sharygin

On Wed, Aug 24, 2022, 17:30 Gleb Sharygin <gleb.sharygin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> The above-mentioned book, published in Hong Kong in 2008 (2nd edition), is
> not available to me neither in Munich, nor in Leiden.
> I wonder if anyone could provide me with a couple of pages from the book?
> Sadly, I don't even have a table of contents of the said book,
> but I have access to van Velthem's French translation, and the passages,
> which interest me, are located on pp. 40-41 in it.
> It is chapter IV ("Les formations"), the beginning of the second scroll
> ("second rouleau"). In particular, I require the whole paragraphs on
> *upādāna* and on *kāyagrantha*, if possible, with all the footnotes to
> them. Any help will be much appreciated!
> The full bibliographical details of two books are:
> Van Velthem, Marcel. *Le traité de la descente dans la profonde loi *(Abhidharmāvatāraśāstra)
> *de l’Arhat Skandhila* (Publications de l’Institut Orientaliste de
> Louvain 16). Louvain-la-Neuve, 1977.
> Dhammajoti, KL. *Entrance into the supreme doctrine*: *Skandhila's*
> Abhidharmāvatāra. Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong
> Kong, 2008.
> Kind regards,
> Gleb Sharygin
> Gonda Fellow, IIAS, Leiden University
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