[INDOLOGY] Sanskrit outside universities

Antonia Ruppel rhododaktylos at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 18:20:24 UTC 2021

Dear List,

Sanskrit instruction (and instruction in the humanities in general) is
being cut at many universities, while at the same time 'real-world'
interest in these topics is on the rise. Hence I thought it might be useful
to get an overview of the existing 'alt-ac' institutions out there.

So far I am aware of
-- the School of Indian Wisdom (https://courses.rajbalkaran.com)
-- the Sanskrit Library (https://www.sanskritlibrary.org/courses.html)
-- Yogic Studies (https://www.yogicstudies.com/courses)

(Full disclosure: I teach the Introductory Sanskrit courses offered by
Yogic Studies, and will be involved in the higher-level Sanskrit literature

I would be grateful for replies to this post
-- by anyone who can add to the above list of course offerings (i. e.:
courses at a properly scholarly level, taught by academics, but not limited
to students enrolled at one specific college or university)
-- by anyone at a college/university without a full Indology/Asian Studies
department, interested in expanding the educational offerings available to
their students by working together with such an alt-ac institution (the
Yogic Studies three-term Introductory Sanskrit sequence, for example, is
basically the same as the two-semester introduction I used to teach at
Cornell; and Yogic Studies is beginning to build up co-operations with

I will happily send a summary of such offerings/institutions to the List.

Thank you, and all the best,

Dr Antonia Ruppel FRAS
Author | The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben | Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie
LMU München
Researcher 'Uncovering Sanskrit Syntax' | Department of Linguistics,
Philology and Phonetics
Junior Research Fellow | Kellogg College
University of Oxford

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