[INDOLOGY] Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter

Agathe Keller kellera at univ-paris-diderot.fr
Thu Jan 21 12:39:05 UTC 2021

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to bring to your attention the existence of a Series we co-created a couple of years ago already (with K. Chemla and C. Proust) at Springer called Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter<https://link.springer.com/bookseries/15657>. It has published some edited books with contributions of some of our colleagues; thus in the recently published Mathematics, Administrative and Economic Activities in Ancient Worlds.<https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030483883> edited by Cécile Michel and Karine Chemla there is a wonderful article by Marc McClish, a philological approach to terms evoking measuring and computation in the Arthaśāstra, and in Pieces and Parts in Scientific Texts<https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-78467-0>, edited by Florence Bretelle-Establet and Stéphane Schmitt in 2018 there is a great chapter by K. Preinsendanz on ‘Text Segmentation, Chapter Naming and the Transmission of Embedded Texts in South Asia’. Other books are on the way.

If you would like to review any of the books, contact me!

Do not hesitate to submit manuscripts to our series, we invite all kind of formats from monographs to collective endeavours. Apart from the usual criteria of rigor and originality, we request that the texts be made sufficiently accessible to scholars who might not be indologists, and that the general interest of the study be well articulated. All submissions will be thoroughly examined and if accepted peer reviewed.

with all best,

Agathe Keller

Université de Paris & CNRS
 Laboratoire SPHERE

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