[INDOLOGY] Manas commentary..

Jörg Gengnagel joerg.gengnagel at uni-wuerzburg.de
Wed Apr 14 12:38:25 UTC 2021

Dear Santosh,

nice to see that you are working on  काष्ठजिह्व स्वामी!

I do have a copy of the "Pañcakrośa Sudhā" and did quickly check my 
notes. The printed text gives "iti vidyāraṇyatīrthakṛtā 
pañcakrośasudhā (Pañcakrośa Sudhā: 111). Both the
publisher of the Pañcakrośa Sudhā as well as Upādhyāya (1994: 800), 
however, give Kāṣṭ
hajihva Svāmī as the author of the text, although 
Vidyāraṇyatīrtha is given as name of his dīkṣāguru (Upādhyāya 1994: 793).

In case the "Pañcakrośa Sudhā" is of interest, I could try to get it 



Prof. Dr. Jörg Gengnagel
Universität Würzburg
Institut für Kulturwissenschaften Ost- und Südasiens
Lehrstuhl für Indologie
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
e-mail:	joerg.gengnagel at uni-wuerzburg.de
Tel.: 	+49(0)931/31-88516
Fax:	+49(0)931/31-87510

Am 14.04.2021 um 08:18 schrieb Santosh Gokhale:
>   Dear Members,
> I am looking for a soft copy of of a commentary on the रामचरितमानस, 
> called रामायण परिचर्या, written by स्वामी देवतीर्थ, also called 
> काष्ठजिह्व स्वामी.
> There is also a supplementary text to this, called रामायणपरिचर्या 
> परिशिष्टप्रकाश.
> Would be grateful if anyone can point me to a PDF of the said texts, 
> or any other literature of काष्ठजिह्व स्वामी.
> Kind regards
> Santosh Gokhale

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