[INDOLOGY] PDF query: Vishv. Ind. Journal | AIOC | Vedavāṇī

Dominik Haas dominik at haas.asia
Sun Sep 20 12:31:23 UTC 2020

Dear colleagues,

I'm looking for scans of the following articles:

– Vishva Bandhu, “Vedic textuo-linguistic studies.” *Vishveshvaranand 
Indological Journal 7* (1969): 7–21.

– Vishva Bandhu, “The Gāyatrī (RV III. 62. 10): its grammatical 
problem.” *Research Bulletin (Arts) of the Panjab University* 13(4) 
(1954): 1–15. Apparently printed earlier in the proceedings of the *17th 
All-India Oriental Conference*, Ahmedabad (1953): 107–08. (this 
<https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.507372/mode/2up> version 
on archive.org is incomplete).

– C. L. Prabhakar, “The course of gāyatrī-mantra through the Yajurveda.” 
*25th All-India Oriental Conference* (1969): 22(–?)

– V. S. Agrawala, “Gāyatrī.” *Vedavāṇī**16(1)* (1963): 15–20.

Any help would be very much appreciated!

Best regards,


*Dominik A. Haas, BA MA*
DOC Fellow, Austrian Academy of Sciences | PhD Candidate, University of 
dominik at haas.asia <mailto:dominik at haas.asia> | ORCID 0000-0002-8505-6112 
follow my work on univie.academia.edu/DominikHaas 

Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Hollandstraße 11–13, 1020 Vienna, Austria
oeaw.ac.at/ikga <https://oeaw.ac.at/ikga>

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