[INDOLOGY] A distraction from the Coronavirus

Nagaraj Paturi nagarajpaturi at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 16:22:57 UTC 2020

Thanks Dr Steiner for the Sanskrit version and congratulations for the
translation. I do not know German though.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020, 8:08 PM Roland Steiner <steiner at staff.uni-marburg.de>

> > The version I pasted seems to have many spelling /typo issues. But the
> > verse is a well known one.
> Indeed.
> prasahya maṇim uddharen makaravaktradaṃṣṭrāntarāt
> samudram api saṃtaret pracalad ūrmimālākulam |
> bhujaṅgam api kopitaṃ śirasi puṣpavad dhārayet
> na tu pratiniviṣṭamūrkhajanacittam ārādhayet //
> (Bhartṛhari, *Nītiśataka*, ed. Kosambi 1946: 1.4; ed. Kosambi 1948: 1.9)
> My revered teacher Michael Hahn, myself and other colleagues in Marburg
> had started sometime in the early 1990s to translate selected Bhartṛhari
> verses into German, including this one:
>   Gewaltsam mag man einen Edelstein
>     dem Maule eines Krokodils entreißen,
>   Den Ozean selbst überqueren,
>     von ungestümen Wellenkränzen aufgewühlt,
>   Und auch die zornentbrannte Schlange
>     wie eine Blume auf dem Kopfe tragen --
>   Nicht aber wird man je
>     das Herz verstockter Narren überzeugen.
> With kind regards,
> Roland Steiner

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