[INDOLOGY] poison

Patricia Sauthoff sauthoff at ualberta.ca
Tue Jun 9 18:42:59 UTC 2020

Dear Johnathan,

There is no mention of *viṣaśāstra* in the index of the *History of Indian
Medical Literature.* I am currently working on a project that catalogues
*rasaśāstra* texts, which relies heavily on the *HIML.* Thus far I have
come across numerous references to poisons, purifying poisonous substances,
etc., but no recipes for making poisons. If I do happen across one I will
make a note of it for you.

Best wishes,


On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 10:22 AM Michael.Slouber--- via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> In post-classical India, viṣaśāstra became synonymous with a branch of
> Tantric medicine that I wrote a book about a few years ago:
> http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/999908257
> Mention of manufactured poison (kṛtrima) is rare in the literature, to
> answer Jonathan comment; one rather used poisonous plants, or less
> commonly, extracted venom.  And there are fascinating uses of minuscule
> amounts of poison for healing that I touch on in the book, responding to
> Jan's comment.
> Best,
> Michael
>> Michael Slouber, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor, South Asian Studies
> Global Humanities and Religions
> Western Washington University
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Patricia Sauthoff
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of History and Classics
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada

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