Re: [INDOLOGY] Fwd: sañj sajjate

Harry Spier hspier.muktabodha at
Thu Oct 17 00:12:38 UTC 2019

I left out an important part of the reference:  i.e. p. 244

 The passive sajyate (sañj) was the base of a secondary root sajj 'to
cling' to be caught' (with 'MIA' assimilation of the cluster -jy- [cf.
lajjate < *lajyate ~rajyate]).

Harry Spier

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 7:49 PM Harry Spier <hspier.muktabodha at>

> Here is Oberlies reference:
>  saj -> sa(ñ)j
> sajj 'to stick, to be caught' (I. [cf. VIA I 210]) --- see p. 244
> pr. sajjati, Mbh 1,203.15, 5,55.9 (sam+), 177.20, 13,21.10 (saṁpra+),
> 39.1, 499* (pra+), 132.7, sajjate, Mbh 3,2.16 ~ 240.3, 5,9.8,67.15, R
> 2,54.4 (sam+), 100.6, 4,28.20.25, 58.29, 5,37.35, 49, 16
> pf. (saṁ)sasajjatuḥ Mbh 6,43.69
> sec. caus. sajjayate R 6, 150*.8 (pra+), 7,60.17
> rem. A denominative of sajja (<sajya-) is sajjayati /te 'to make
> ready' (Mbh 5,150.21 (sajjayanti sma nāgān], R 7,60.17 [sajjaye yāvad
> āyudham]). Its causative is sajjayate 'to get ready' (Mbh 14,51.2
> [sajjayadhvam prayāsyāmaḥ]), its passive sajj(ī)yate 'to be made ready'
> (Mbh 6,19.39 [... sajjīyamāneṣu sainyeṣu ...], 8,50.36 [āyudhāni ...
> sajjyantām]) and its verbal adjective sajjita - 'ready' (Mbh 7,53.25).
> Harry Spier
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 4:12 AM Christophe Vielle via INDOLOGY <
> indology at> wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> a student of mine asks me about the form *sajjate* usually presented (in
>> Western dictionaries and grammars at the least) as a passive
>> alternative/epic form of *sajyate* (see infra; also, even more
>> surprising, the form * sajjati* is sometimes also given as a secondary
>> passive form). I am not a specialist of grammar, nevertheless  I have a
>> real difficulty to consider as a passive form something without an apparent
>> -*ya *suffix (and  without middle ending for *sajjati — *note that the
>> latter form is also proposed by Whitney G to come from a Cl. IV **sajyati
>> *or from **sasjati*), and, additionally, why in this case to postulate
>> such an assimilation* jj < jy *and not a more obvious or natural* ñj >
>> jj* . It seems indeed to me more easy to consider *sajjate *(and
>> *sajjati*) as alternative M (and A) form = **sañjate *(and **sañjati*,
>> which is given by Kale G), beside more classical *sajate/i*. The two
>> causative forms *sañjayati *and *sajjayati *appears to confirm this
>> explanation (cf. also in MW the double entry *sajj = **sañj*); however,
>> the other has for it the epic abs. °*sajja* (for °*sajya*) given by
>> Wackernagel (I have not Oberlies here at hand to check this reference).
>> Thank you for your comments. Especially, I would be interested to know
>> 1° if it happens that indigenous grammars also consider *sajjate* as a
>> passive form
>> 2° linguistic historical or comparative arguments for * jj < jy  *rather
>> than *< ñj*
>> Best wishes,
>> Christophe
>> *From:* Edmond Differding
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 15, 2019 18:19
>> *To:* Christophe Vielle <christophe.vielle at>
>> *Subject:* sañj sajjate
>> Voici ce que j’ai trouvé sur sajjate :
>> *Grammaire de Whitney §746 *
>> *Whitney Roots :*
>> *Renou §9 [p. 8] :*
>> "Assimilation... par prākritisme... sont ainsi passés dans la langue
>> sajj- 46a)"
>> [> §46a, p. 50]: "Les rac. en -jj- données gr. comme reposant sur -sj-"
>> *Renou §71.a)1) [p. 77] :*
>> rac. sañj – dépourvue de nasale au présent (en ya), facultativement au
>> causatif, et le maintient ailleurs
>> *Macdonell* :
>> 133.A.4.: mentionne juste: perd la nasale : saj-a-
>> *Huet/Heritage : *
>> *sañj* var. *saj* v. [1
>> <>]
>> pr. *(sajati)* pr. r. *(sajate)* pft. *(sasañja)* pp. *(sakta)* pf. *(*
>> *anu*
>> <>
>> , *ā*
>> <>
>> , *ni*
>> <>
>> , *pra*
>> <>
>> , *sam*
>> <>
>> *)* adhérer — ps. *(sajjate)* être attaché à, être suspendu à
>> *Monier Williams : *
>> [* sajj *]2 ( = √ [* sañj
>> <>* ]
>> ; cf. [ *sajjaya
>> <>* ]
>> ) , Caus. [* sajjayati *] , to cling , adhere , fasten or fix or attach
>> to (loc.) Lit. Kathās. ; to fix (the mind) upon Lit. BhP. ; to cause one's
>> self to be embraced (by other men) Lit. Mn. viii , 362.
>> [ sañj ]2 Root ( or [ saj ] ) cl. [1] P. ( Lit. Dhātup. xxiii , 18) [
>> sájati ] ( rarely Ā. [ °te ] ; pf. [ sasañja ] Lit. Br. ( in some rare and
>> doubtful cases in Lit. MBh. and Lit. Ragh. [ sasajja ] ) ; 3. pl. [ sejuḥ ]
>> Lit. ŚBr. ; aor. [ asāṅkṣīt ] , [ sāṅkṣīt ] , UP. ; [ asañji ] Lit. Br. ; [
>> ásakthās ] , [ °ta ] Lit. RV. Lit. Br. ; Prec. [ sajyāt ] Gr. ; fut. [
>> saṅktā ] , [ saṅkṣyati ] Lit. ib. ; inf. [ saktum ] Lit. MBh. ; [ saṅktos ]
>> Lit. Br. ; ind.p. [ -sajya ] , [ -sáṅgam ] Lit. ib. ) , to cling or stick
>> or adhere to , be attached to or engaged in or occupied with (loc.) Lit.
>> Br. Lit. Ragh. Lit. Naish. : Pass. [ sajyáte ] ( generally [ sajjate ] ,
>> ep. also [ °ti ] ) , to be attached or fastened , adhere , cling , stick
>> (with [ na ] , " to fly through without sticking " , as an arrow) Lit. ŚBr.
>> ; to linger , hesitate Lit. MBh. Lit. R. ; to be devoted to or intent on or
>> occupied with (loc.) Lit. MBh. Lit. Kāv. : Caus. [ sañjayati ] (aor. [
>> asasañjat ] ; for [ sajjayati ] see √ [ sajj ] ) , to cause to stick or
>> cling to , unite or connect with (loc.) Lit. Bhag. Lit. Śaṃk. : Desid. [
>> sisaṅkṣati ] see [ ā-√ sañj ] : Intens. [ sāsajyate ] , [ sāsaṅkti ] Gr. (
>> ( cf. accord. to some , Lat. (segnis) ; Lith. (segu4) , " I attach. " )
>> *Böthlingk & Roth:*
>> sañj , sajati Dhātup. 23, 18  (saṅge, pariṣvaṅge). P. 6, 4, 25.  Vop. 8,
>> 102.  asāṅkṣīt (s. u. pra), sasañja, sasañjatus und sasajatus Vop.  asaktaḥ
>> saṅkṣyāmi (vgl. unter ā und Kār. 2 aus Siddh.  zu P. 7, 2, 10 );
>> partic. sakta .
>> 1) *anhängen, zusammenhängen* Śāṅkh. Br. 24, 1.  yad adya dugdhaṃ
>> pṛthivīm asakta *sich hängen an* Tbr. 1, 4, 3, 3.
>> — 2) act. *hängen bleiben, sich anheften*: sasañjuḥ (sasajjuḥ ed. Calc.)
>> — mattebhakaṭeṣu phalareṇavaḥ Ragh. 4, 47.
>> — 3) pass. sajyate *hängen* (intrans.) *an* Śat. Br. 10, 2, 6, 8. 14, 6,
>> 9, 28. 11, 6.  gewöhnlich mit Assimilation sajjate (episch auch sajjati,
>> welches Dhātup. 7, 22  als bes. Wurzel in der Bed. gatau angefuhrt wird;
>> etc……
>> — anu
>> 1) act.
>> a) *behängen*: ātmānaṃ rasena Śat. Br. 7, 3, 1, 3.
>> — b) *hinzufügen* Pār. Gṛhy. 1, 5. 8.
>> — 2) pass.
>> a) °sajyate
>> α) *hängen bleiben —, haften an* (loc.): dharmapūte ca manasi nabhasīva
>> na jātu rajo 'nuṣajyate Daśak. 64, 18.  *sich anschliessen* Comm. zu Vs.
>> Prāt. 4, 173.
>> — β) *sich wieder anschliessen* so v. a. *aus dem Vorangehenden
>> nachgelten, - zu ergänzen sein*: saṃnidhānād evety anuṣajyate Comm.
>> zu Kap. 1, 98.  Sāh. D. 238, 4.
>> — b) °ṣajjate
>> α) *sich Jmd* (acc.) *anschliessen* so v. a. *auf dem Fusse folgen*: gopās
>> tam anvasajjanta śakaṭaiḥ Bhāg. P. 10, 39, 33. 83, 34.
>> — β) *hängen an* so v. a. *sich hingeben, sich beschäftigen mit, mit den
>> Gedanken, mit dem Herzen bei Etwas* (loc.) *sein*: indriyārtheṣu,
>> karmasu Bhag. 6, 4.  kuśale karmaṇi  18, 10.  kāye Bhāg. P. 4, 20,
>> 5.  draviṇe  11, 23, 23.
>> Puis encore dans :
>> *Wackernagel*, Vol 1, p163 : jj < jy
>> *Kale* : Higher Sanskrit Grammar App II p 138:
>> Bref, je n’ai rien trouvé de règle solide qui explique le jj ! Renou
>> parle de géminations en général, mais j’avoue ne pas avoir compris….
>> J’attends vos commentaires !
>> Bonne soirée,
>> Edmond
>> –––––––––––––––––––
>> Christophe Vielle <>
>> Louvain-la-Neuve
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