Re: [INDOLOGY] Formations of the ghanāghana type

Seishi Karashima skarashima at
Sun May 12 01:48:48 UTC 2019

Dear colleagues,

  Concerning the so-called Āmreḍita-cpd, cf. Trenckner 1879: 74; PGl, p.
198, s.v. *maggāmagga*; Whitney 21889: § 1260; Speyer 1911: 316f.; Geiger §
33; Stede 1925; AIG II 1, p. 148 *cum* Nachträge, p. 44; BHSG §§ 23.12f.;
Davane 1956: 130f.; Hoffmann 1960 = 1975: 113f.; Renou, Gr § 87 c, § 96 A;
von Hinüber 1968 § 250; CPD I, p. 542, s.v. 1*akkha*, Epilegomena, p. 21,
s.v. *āmr*.; CPD, s.vv. 4*ā*, *āmeṇḍita*, *kāraṇâkāraṇa*; ; Oberlies 2001:
123c; Bollée 2002 *The Story of Paesi*, p. 23; Caillat 2011  *Selected
Papers*, p. 185n.; Shiraishi 1988: 694f.; my Abhis I, p. 69, § 8.6, n. 4.

Trenckner, Vilhelm (1824-1891)

1879    *Pali Miscellany*, pt. 1, London: Williams and Norgate.

PGl  =  *A Pāli Glossary: including the Words of the Pāli Reader and of the
Dhammapada*, by Dines Andersen, Copenhagen 1904~1905: Gyldendalske
Boghandel; Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz.

Speyer, Jacob Samuel, 1849-1913

1911    “Indologische Analekta”, in: ZDMG 65: 313~324.

Geiger = *A Pāli Grammar* by Wilhelm Geiger, translated into English by
Batakrishna Ghosh, revised and edited by K. R. Norman, Oxford 1994: The
Pali Text Society.

Stede, W.

1925    “Reduplikationskomposita im Pāli”, in: *Zeitschrift für
Buddhismus *(1925),
pp. 89-94.

Davane, Gulab V.

1956    *Nominal Composition in Middle Indo-Aryan*, Poona: Decan College,
Postgraduate and Research Institute (Deccan College Dissertation Series,

Hoffmann, Karl

1960    “Der vedishe Typus *menāmenam*”, in: KZ 76, S. 242~248  =  Hoffmann
1975: 113~119.

1975~1992    *Aufsätze zur Indoiranistik*, hrsg. von Johanna Narten, 3 Bde,
Wiesbaden: L. Reichert.

von Hinüber, Oskar

1968    *Studien zur Kasussyntax des Pāli, besonders des Vinaya-piṭaka*,
München: J. Kitzinger (*Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft *Beihefte,
Neue Folge 2).

CPD  =  *A Critical Pāli Dictionary*, begun by V. Trenckner, ed. D.
Andersen *et al.*, Copenhagen, Bristol, 1924~2011.

Oberlies, Thomas

2001    *Pāli: A Grammar of the Language of the Theravāda Tipiṭaka: With a
Concordance to Pischel’s Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen*, Berlin: W. de
Gruyter (*Indian Philology and South Asian Studies *3).

Shiraishi, Shindō 白石真道

1988    *Shiraishi Shindō Bukkyōgaku Ronbunshū* 白石真道仏教学論文集 [Collected
Papers of Shindō Shiraishi on Buddhist Studies], ed. Toshiko Shiraishi
白石壽子, Kanagawa-ken Sagamihara-shi, Kyōbi Shuppansha 京美出版社.

Abhis  =  *Die A**bhisamācārikā Dharmāḥ**: Verhaltensregeln für
buddhistische Mönche der Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins*, herausgegeben, mit
der chinesischen Parallelversion verglichen, übersetzt und kommentiert von
Seishi Karashima, unter Mitwirkung von Oskar von Hinüber, Tokyo 2012: The
International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University
(Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica XIII), 3 vols.
(downloadable from the following website:

With best regards,

Seishi Karashima

2019年5月12日(日) 4:55 Jan E.M. Houben via INDOLOGY <indology at

> Directly or indirectly relevant may be the cpds of the type *men**āmenam,
> dhur**ādhuram*, as well as those of the type *ke**śāke**śi, kac**ākaci* :
> see the discussion, including references to AA 5.4.127, AA 2.2.27 (assumed
> to be of a larger scope than AA 5.4.127), discussions by Wackernagel, Caland,
> Hoffmann, in Henk Bodewitz, "The 'marriage' of Heaven and Earth" WZKS 26
> (1982): 23-36, esp. pp. 28ff, 32ff.
> On Sat, 11 May 2019 at 21:29, Tieken, H.J.H. via INDOLOGY <
> indology at> wrote:
>> Dear Martin,
>> Renou, Grammaire sanscrite par. 147 (p. 192), treats compounds of the
>> ghanāghana type as "intensifs". (Except for vadāvada,  they are all
>> "intensifs d'origine verbale".) Thus, if I understand Renou correctly,
>> saumyāsaumya would not mean "good and not good", but "very good".
>> Herman
>> Herman Tieken
>> Stationsweg 58
>> 2515 BP Den Haag
>> The Netherlands
>> 00 31 (0)70 2208127
>> website:
>> ------------------------------
>> *Van:* INDOLOGY [indology-bounces at] namens Martin
>> Gansten via INDOLOGY [indology at]
>> *Verzonden:* zaterdag 11 mei 2019 20:55
>> *Aan:* indology at
>> *Onderwerp:* Re: [INDOLOGY] Formations of the ghanāghana type
>> Thanks to Herman Tieken and Madhav Deshpande for their immediate
>> responses. The examples given in *Altindische Grammatik *1 §61a
>> (regrettably I don't have vol. 2.2 to hand) are similar to those cited by
>> Madhav from Patañjali. Common to all is that they seem to be derived
>> directly from verb roots, unlike those in §62b (such as nava-nava), which
>> lack the lengthened ā (except where this is caused by sandhi, as in
>> alpālpa). Am I right in concluding from this that the reduplicated forms
>> with lengthened ā are all verbal nouns, and that no corresponding
>> formations are made from other adjectives?
>> My reason for asking is that I have come across a passage (in an
>> astrological text as usual) which contrasts *krūrākrūra *planets
>> (causing death) with *samuyāsaumya *planets (causing victory) and *miśra*
>> planets (giving mediocre results). Interpreting the first two words as
>> 'evil and not evil' and 'good and not good', respectively, clearly makes no
>> sense, as both would seem to be more or less synonymous with *miśra*. So
>> I am looking for alternative interpretations, though so far without much
>> success.
>> Thanks again,
>> Martin
>> Den 2019-05-11 kl. 20:06, skrev Madhav Deshpande:
>> Hello Martin,
>>      Patañjali's Mahabhāṣya on P.6.1.12 offers several examples of this
>> type: चराचर:, चलाचल:, पतापत:, वदावद:, घनाघन:, पाटूपट:.  These examples are
>> offered to illustrate some of the Vārttikas on this rule.
>> Madhav M. Deshpande
>> Professor Emeritus
>> Sanskrit and Linguistics
>> University of Michigan
>> [Residence: Campbell, California]
>> On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 10:42 AM Tieken, H.J.H. via INDOLOGY <
>> indology at> wrote:
>>> Altindische Grammatik, Wackernagel und Debrunner, Bd 1, pp. 124, 146
>>> and  Bd 2, 2, p. 85
>>> Herman Tieken
>>> Stationsweg 58
>>> 2515 BP Den Haag
>>> The Netherlands
>>> 00 31 (0)70 2208127
>>> website:
>>> ________________________________________
>>> Van: INDOLOGY [indology-bounces at] namens Martin
>>> Gansten via INDOLOGY [indology at]
>>> Verzonden: zaterdag 11 mei 2019 19:34
>>> Aan: indology at
>>> Onderwerp: [INDOLOGY] Formations of the ghanāghana type
>>> With apologies for what may be a fairly basic question, I wonder if
>>> anyone can direct me to an English-language (or German, or French at a
>>> pinch) source discussing the formation of adjectives such as ghanāghana.
>>> (I assume that there are other such instances, though none comes
>>> immediately to mind.) Böhtlingk/Roth and Monier-Williams give references
>>> to Pāṇini (6.1.12) etc., but I could do with something a little more
>>> accessible.
>>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
>>> Martin Gansten
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> --
> *Jan E.M. Houben*
> Directeur d'Études, Professor of South Asian History and Philology
> *Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite*
> École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, PSL - Université Paris)
> *Sciences historiques et philologiques *
> 54, rue Saint-Jacques, CS 20525 – 75005 Paris
> *johannes.houben at <johannes.houben at>*
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