[INDOLOGY] How to translate an indological book from French to English AGAIN

jmdelire jmdelire at ulb.ac.be
Sun Sep 9 15:17:59 UTC 2018

I would like to thank all those who gave me ideas in order to solve my 
problem, exposed below.
The difficulty now is the payement. I don't have the money to pay for 
the translation.
Perhaps is there a solution through an Indian publishing house.
Does anybody know a publisher, who could pay for the translation with 
the exclusive distribution in exchange ?

Best regards,

Dr J.M.Delire

> Dear members of the Indology list,
> Two years ago, I announced that my book Les mathématiques de l'autel
> védique, Le Baudhāyana Śulbasūtra et son commentaire Śulbadīpikā, was
> published by Droz, Geneva.
> Since then, some reviews have been written and one of them (see the
> last sentence of the attached file) insists on the urgence to
> translate the book into English. But English is not my mother
> language, and it would be much time-consuming for me to do so.
> Could anybody propose a solution to this problem ? Of course, I would
> be very happy to supervise the translation, in order to see if the
> meaning is well respected.
> Best regards and thank you for your help,
> Dr J.M.Delire,
> Lecturer on Science and Civilization of India - Sanskrit texts at the
> University of Brussels
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