[INDOLOGY] Continuing with my Krishna verses

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at umich.edu
Sat May 19 05:01:31 UTC 2018

Continuing with my Krishna verses:

वसन्नदृष्टो हृदये सौक्ष्म्यात्ते नोपलभ्यसे ।
नाभावादिति वक्तव्यस्तपस्वी मूढतार्किक: ।।२५८
Living unseen in the heart, you are not found because you are so subtle,
and not because you don’t exist. This is how one should reply to the pour
deluded logician.

विश्वरूपो जगन्नाथ महत्त्वान्नोपलभ्यसे ।
दिव्येन चक्षुषा दृश्योऽदृश्यस्त्वं चर्मचक्षुषा ।।२५९।।
O Lord, in your cosmic form, you are not found because you are so great.
You are unseen with the physical eyes, but are visible to the divine eye.

समीपस्थोऽपि पार्थोऽसावशक्तस्तव दर्शने ।
दिव्यं चक्षुरदत्थास्त्वं विश्वरूपस्य दृष्टये ।।२६०।।
Even though Arjuna was near you [on the battlefield of Kurukṣetra], he was
unable to see you [in your true form]. Therefore, you gave him the divine
eye to enable him to see your cosmic form.

भक्तस्तेऽसौ सखा चेति दिव्यं चक्षुर्विवेद स: ।
सखा य: कोऽपि भक्तस्ते सोऽपि विन्दतु दर्शनम् ।।२६१।।
Since he was your friend and devotee, he received this divine eye. Let
anyone who is your friend and devotee receive your vision.

धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे कृष्णपार्थावुभौ स्थितौ ।
इति बुद्ध्यार्जुन: कृष्णं पृष्टवान् भ्रान्तमानस: ।।२६२।।
Thinking that there are [two people] Kr̥ṣṇa and Arjuna standing on the holy
battle field of the Kurus, Arjuna asked Kr̥ṣṇa with a confused mind.

“कथमेतान् हनिष्यामि बान्धवान् द्विषतो रणे ।
पापमेवाश्रयेदस्मान् हत्वैतानाततायिन:” ।।२६३।।
“How shall I kill in battle these enemy relatives. Only sin will accrue to
us by killing these impetuous enemies.”

यदा पार्थो विश्वरूपमद्राक्षीद्दिव्यचक्षुषा ।
तदा स तत्त्वरूपेण ज्ञातवानणुतां निजाम् ।।२६५।।
When Arjuna saw the cosmic form of Kr̥ṣṇa with the divine eye given to him,
then he truly realize his own smallness.

विश्वरूपस्य कृष्णस्य सर्वमाभ्यन्तरं जगत् ।
रथस्तस्मिन् रणस्तस्मिंस्तस्मिन्नेवार्जुन: स्थित: ।।२६६।।
The entire world is inside of the cosmic Kr̥ṣṇa. The chariot is inside of
him. The battle is inside of him. Arjuna himself is inside of him.

कौरवा: पाण्डवाश्चैव हस्तिनोऽश्वा: पदातय: ।
कुरुक्षेत्रं तदखिलं कृष्णस्याभ्यन्तरं स्थितम् ।।२६७।।
The Kauravas, the Pāṇḍavas, the elephants, horses and the foot soldiers.
The entire battle field of the Kurus was inside of Kr̥ṣṇa.

कृष्ण एव जगत्स्रष्टा धर्ता हर्ता च केशव: ।
निमित्तमात्रं पार्थोऽभूत्तेनैव सदृशा वयम् ।।२६८।।
Kr̥ṣṇa alone is the creator, the sustainer and the destroyer of the world.
Arjuna was merely an instrument, and we are similar to him.

अहन्तारोऽहन्यमानास्तदंशा अत्र कुर्महे ।
जगदीशस्य लीलायां क्रीडनार्थं गतागतम् ।।२६९।।
Neither killing nor being killed, we are little specks of him, and in the
play of the Lord, we do comings and goings for the play.

Madhav Deshpande

Campbell, California

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