[INDOLOGY] Concluding verses of Mādhava-Śatakam
Madhav Deshpande
mmdesh at umich.edu
Tue May 1 05:07:21 UTC 2018
Concluding verses of my Mādhava-Śatakam:
नव द्वाराणि देहस्य द्वारहीनं मनो मम ।
आयाहि याहि कृष्ण त्वं सर्वकालं यथेच्छसि ।।८२।।
There are nine doors to the body, but my mind has no door. Come and go, O
Kr̥ṣṇa, at all times as you please.
यदि माधव सर्वत्र सर्वदा वर्तसे सखे ।
को हेतुस्ते विलम्बस्यागमने मे गृहाङ्गणे ।।८३।।
Mādhava, O Friend, if you are always everywhere, what is the reason for the
delay in your arrival in my courtyard?
अथवैष न ते दोषो न पश्यामि गृहागतम् ।
चर्मचक्षुरिदं नास्ति समर्थं तव दर्शने ।।८४।।
Perhaps, it is not your fault that I don’t see you arriving in my house.
This physical eye of mine is not capable to see you.
येन केनाप्युपायेन भूयात्ते दर्शनं यथा ।
तथा तथा शिक्षणीयो वराकोऽयं त्वया प्रभो ।।८५।।
O Lord, please instruct this poor person as to whatever way to have your
गृहीत्वा मे करं कृष्ण यत्र त्वमसि तत्र माम् ।
नयाशु, गमने नास्मि शक्तोऽहं बद्धलोचन: ।।८६।।
Holding my hand, O Kr̥ṣṇa, quickly take me where you are. With my eyes
covered, I am unable to go [by myself].
तवैव माया बध्नाति चक्षुषी मधुरेश मे ।
कथं पश्यामि ते रूपं मायातीतं जनार्दन ।।८७।।
O Lord of Mathura, it is your own power of delusion that ties up my eyes. O
Lord, how can I see your true form that lies beyond my delusion?
मायया ते निबद्धाक्षं मायिन् मोचय मां विभो ।
त्वदंशभूतं कस्मान् मां बध्नासि तव मायया ।।८८।।
O Lord, the possessor of the power, free me, whose eyes are covered by your
own power of delusion. I am just a part of you. Why do you tie me with your
power of delusion?
अनाद्यविद्या बध्नाति सर्वदा मम चक्षुषी ।
विश्वमूर्ते पिशाचीयं कुतो मामनु धावति ।।८९।।
This ignorance, that has no beginning, always covers my eyes. O Cosmic
Lord, why does this demoness always follow me?
वारय त्वं पिशाचीं तां ब्रूहि सा केन निर्मिता ।
तिमिरोपहता दृष्टिरसतीं वेह पश्यति ।।९०।।
Stop this demoness. Tell me, who created her? Perhaps, my sight enveloped
with darkness sees her, where she actually does not exist.
उद्घाटिताभ्यां नेत्राभ्यां न चेत् त्वं दृष्टिगोचर: ।
तर्हि नेत्रे निमील्यैव द्रष्टुं त्वां प्रयते विभो ।।९१।।
If you are not visible with my open eyes, then, O Lord, I will certainly
try to see you with my closed eyes.
निमीलिताभ्यां नेत्राभ्यां दृश्यते ते मुखाम्बुजम् ।
अधुना सुप्रभं कृष्ण दर्पणे हृदयस्य मे ।।९२।।
With my eyes closed, O Kr̥ṣṇa, now your lotus-face, brightly shining,
becomes visible in the mirror of my heart.
स्वप्रकाशं मुखं ते मे निरभ्रे हृदि पश्यत: ।
निमीलिताक्षस्याप्यद्य निर्वाणं चेतसो भवेत् ।।९३।।
Seeing your self-illuminated face in my cloudless heart, even with my eyes
closed I will have true satisfaction of my heart.
निराकाङ्क्षोऽपि गोविन्द काङ्क्षे ते दर्शनं सदा ।
लभेय चेदेकमेतदन्यन्मा देहि किञ्चन ।।९४।।
O Govinda, though I do not desire anything, I always wish to see you. If I
get that one thing, don’t give me anything else.
गोविन्द गोकुलानन्द हृदयानन्दनो मम ।
भूया माधव, धावेयं कुतोऽन्यत्र कदाचन ।।९५।।
O Govind, Delight of Gokula, do become the delight of my heart. Why would I
then run anywhere else?
यत्र त्वमसि तत्राहं यत्राहं तत्र चेदसि ।
न मे माधव गन्तव्यं त्वां विहाय कुतश्चन ।।९६।।
If I am where you are, and you are where I am, then, O Mādhava, I have no
other destination anywhere in this world.
पदं त्वदीयं परमं सदा पश्यन्ति सूरय: ।
यत्र ते मध्व उत्सोऽस्ति तत्र मां नय माधव ।।९७।।
The sages always see your highest abode where exists the fountain of your
nectar. O Mādhava, please take me there.
अथवा कृष्ण मे मास्तु गमनागमने मति: ।
त्वमेव पुनरागच्छ हृदयाभ्यन्तरो भव ।।९८।।
Perhaps, let my mind not be preoccupied with going and coming. You yourself
just come back into my heart.
लब्धं मया ते सौहार्दमन्यत् प्राप्यं न विद्यते ।
चिन्तामणिं समासाद्य कुत: काचमणौ रति: ।।९९।।
I have attained your friendship, now there is nothing else to be attained.
Having attained the wish-fulfilling jewel, why would anyone lust for a
त्वयैव प्रेरिता वाचस्तव प्रीत्यै प्रकल्पिता: ।
उपायनं मया दत्तं प्रेम्णा स्वीकुरु माधव ।।१००।।
My words were inspired by no one other than you, and I have used them to
please you. O Mādhava, please accept this offering given by me with love.
Madhav Deshpande
Campbell, California
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