[INDOLOGY] Patanjali in the Puranas?
Hartmut Buescher
buescherhartmut at gmail.com
Mon May 22 21:08:25 UTC 2017
>[... ]Meulenbeld's mere opinion (not shared by Biardeau) on Bhartṛhari's
It is neither shared by Wilhelm Rau (*Bhartṛharis Vākyapadīya*, 2002: 38)
when he translates:
“Die Beseitigung der Beschmutzungen, welche sich auf Körper, Rede und
Erkenntnisvermögen beziehen, findet [entsprechend] statt durch die
die Grammatik und das auf den ātman bezügliche Handbuch.”
Though translating the phrase *cikitsālakṣaṇādhyātmaśāstrais*
in a somewhat awkward manner, it is clear that there was no reference
to any person/Patañjali for him in VP I.174.
Correctly, in my view, Rau rather emphasized the correlation
between *kāyavāgbuddhi* and *cikitsālakṣaṇādhyātma*, that is,
when Bhartṛhari expresses that each of the three modes of human existence
– the 3rd personal dimension of organic organisation (*kāya*), the
linguistic means
of communication (*vāk*) in the intersubjective 2nd personal dimension, as
well as
first personal (self-referential) dimension of intelligent cognition (
*buddhi*) –
has its particular range of relevant means (elucidated in pertinent
treatises) to remedy
what's improper.
On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Christophe Vielle <
christophe.vielle at uclouvain.be> wrote:
> Thank you much for the copy of Meulenbeld's pages providing us with
> probably all the references available at the time of their writing. I would
> add Harimoto's brief comment in "God, Reason and Yoga" (2014) p. 215,
> about the famous ("widely known among the grammarians" - and in this
> respect quoted for instance in the introductory colophons of several
> Mahābhāṣya mss., and by various commentators, not only on the YS like
> Vijñānabhikṣu) stanza which is also found in the final (post-)colophons
> of the YVi mss.:
> yogena cittasya padena vācāṃ malaṃ śarīrasya tu vaidyakena |
> yo 'pākarot taṃ pravaraṃ munīnāṃ patañjaliṃ prāñjalir ānato 'smi ||
> This "multi-shared/"floating" stanza could be older than the statement
> found in the introductory stanza (5, 6 or 7) of Bhoja's commentary on the
> YS (which allows Bhoja to declare that he too has composed in the three
> fields), or the introductory stanza (3) of Cakrapāṇi's commentary on the
> CarakaS (quoted by Woods
> <https://books.google.be/books?id=X7DCAgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=fr#v=onepage&q=1060&f=false> 1977:
> xix).
> Going back to Aklujkar's point 'b', it should be noted that according to
> Meulenbeld himself (p. 143) "Bhartṛhari's *Vākyapadīya* contains a verse
> that obviously also refers to Patañjali as a threefold authority, though
> without mentioning his name".
> See :
> kāya-vāg-buddhi-viṣayā ye malāḥ samavasthitāḥ /
> cikitsālakṣaṇādhyātma-śāstrais teṣāṃ viśuddhayaḥ // VP 1.174 //
> and Biardeau 1964
> <https://archive.org/stream/VakyapadiyaBrahmakandaAvecLaVrttiDeHBhartrhari/Vakyapadiya%20Brahmakanda%20avec%20la%20Vrtti%20de%20H%20-%20Bhartrhari#page/n191/mode/2up> (pp.
> 186-7) for the text (and French translation) of the old vṛtti (ad 1.146 in
> her edition), which also does not refer namely to Patañjali (and does not
> ascertain that adhyātma-śāstra means here yoga-śāstra, as it has been
> understood by later commentators; the "vāk-ceto-vapuṣāṃ malaḥ phaṇibhṛtāṃ
> bhartrā_iva yena_uddhṛtaḥ..." of Bhojadeva sounds in its beginning like
> an echo of Bhartṛhari's stanza, with the use of the word bhartṛ [of the
> serpents = Patañjali] possibly evoking in a pun also the name of the author
> of the VP).
> Dominik's statement that Bhoja's assertion is the first clearly attested
> one remains nevertheless not contradicted by Meulenbeld's mere opinion (not
> shared by Biardeau) on Bhartṛhari's stanza.
> The parallelism traced by Meulenbeld between the "multifaceted" legendary
> figures of Nāgārjuna and Patañjali, both "Lords of serpents", is
> interesting.
> Best wishes,
> Christophe Vielle
> Le 22 mai 2017 à 11:04, Hartmut Buescher via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> a écrit :
> Given the easily understandable relative – in India perhaps
> even close to absolute – inaccessibility of Meulenbeld’s extremely
> valuable
> (yet also megacostly) *History of Indian Medical Literature*, while the
> popular name
> Patañjali creeps around somewhere in almost every Indologist’s mind,
> it may presumably be useful to more generally share on this list
> the few pertinent pages of discussion in this Mahāpaṇḍita’s *magnum opus*
> – cf. attachment.
> Kind regards,
> Hartmut Buescher
> On 22 May 2017, at 08:37, Edwin F. Bryant via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
> I am away from my desk and do not have my Bhoja commentary at hand, but I
> am assuming Bhoja is quoting those two verses, yes, rather than composing
> them (in other words they preexisted him)? Or is this not clear from the
> Sanskrit? If Bhoja is quoting an older reference then this is the
> terminus ad quem of the notion of the 'three Patanjali's' howsoever
> ghostly the Ayurvedic one turns out to be.
> While on the topic, zeSa in the Vaishnava literature is a derivative form
> of Vishnu. So the second of the two Patanjali verses can be seen as
> pointing to an association of Patanjali with Vishnu going back at least
> that far. A couple of questions here: given that while Vishnu bears a
> zaNkha and cakra, he does not hold a sword, asi, in normative
> iconographical representations, does anyone know of any Vishnu forms
> bearing one (I assume only these three items (zaNkkacakrAsi dhArinam) are
> mentioned in the verse due to metrical considerations). And, secondly,
> are there any Saivite references at this time associating zeSA WITH
> ziva?.
> Thanks. Edwin Bryant
> On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 7:43 AM, Dominik Wujastyk via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>> Further to the idea about the mythical "three patanjalis", please,
>> *please* everyone note that *there is no medical Patanjali. **There
>> does not exist a major author of a medical treatise in Sanskrit who is
>> called Patanjali*.
>> If you wish to pursue the details, the name has been investigated in
>> detail by Meulenbeld in his *History of Indian Medical Literature*
>> (especially IA: 141-44, 196). As a person's name in medical literature,
>> "Patanjali" lives a ghostly life as a name cited by others, as a legendary
>> authority, as a person after whom recipes are named, etc. etc. Most of
>> these occurrences are from the second millennium of our era, and after the
>> first "three Patanjalis" assertion by Bhoja Deva. But even with these
>> "Patanjali" whispers, it remains the fact that there does not exist an
>> identifiable medical treatise by an author called Patanjali.
>> I'm sorry to shout. But it baffles me to see the continuing repetition
>> of the idea that there was a medical Patanjali when there simply wasn't
>> one. Never has been. Fake News!
>> Best,
>> Dominik
>> --
>> Professor Dominik Wujastyk <http://ualberta.academia.edu/DominikWujastyk>
>> ,
>> Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity
>> ,
>> Department of History and Classics
>> <http://historyandclassics.ualberta.ca/>
>> ,
>> University of Alberta, Canada
>> .
>> South Asia at the U of A:
>> sas.ualberta.ca
>> On 15 May 2017 at 23:00, Ashok Aklujkar via INDOLOGY <
>> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>>> Not taking the subject specification above rigidly, I would like to make
>>> three points:
>>> (a) Even in studying stories one should try to ascertain if they pertain
>>> to Vyākaraṇa Patañjali, Yoga Patañjali or ̄ Āyurveda Patañjali.
>>> (b) The tradition of the identity of these three Patañjalis may be older
>>> than it is usually taken to be.
>>> (c) In three interlinked articles published in the book mentioned below,
>>> I have made a case for taking the Vyākaraṇa Patañjali as a person belonging
>>> to Kashmir. I have also pointed out that the epithet Gonardīya (<—
>>> Gonandīya) definitely applies to this Patañjali and that the epithet
>>> Goṇikā-putra may also contain historical information about him. Much
>>> history can be gleaned if the stories are cautiously handled.
>>> Aklujkar, Ashok. 2008. (a) “Pata~jali’s Mahābhāṣya as a key to
>>> happy Kashmir.” (b) “Gonardīya, Goṇikā-putra, Patañjali and Gonandīya.” (c)
>>> “Patañjali: a Kashmirian.” Pp. 41-87, 88-172 and 173-205, respectively in
>>> Linguistic Traditions of Kashmir, (eds) Kaul, Mrinal; Aklujkar, Ashok. New
>>> Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
>>> a.a.
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> –––––––––––––––––––
> Christophe Vielle <http://www.uclouvain.be/christophe.vielle>
> Louvain-la-Neuve
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