[INDOLOGY] (Another) pdf request - Masked Ritual

Chiara Policardi chiara.policardi at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 16:00:08 UTC 2017

Dear Prof. Wujastyk,

You are perfectly right. The appeal of readily having a pdf of a book you
need is sometimes irresistible, especially for a PhD student whose life can
be tough (at least in Italy).
Sorry for that.

With my best regards,
Chiara Policardi

2017-03-23 16:38 GMT+01:00 Dominik Wujastyk <wujastyk at gmail.com>:

> Dear indologists,
> Publicly using this forum to request a free PDF of book published by a
> university press just a decade ago is not all right.  Please buy the books
> you need, or ask your university library to get them.
> Please respect the law of copyright, at least in the broadest terms.
> This forum is a good place to ask for old rare or difficult-to-get items,
> once one has exhausted the resources of Archive.org (now including the
> DLI), Google Books, Hathi Trust, etc.
> With thanks,
> Dominik Wujastyk
> INDOLOGY committee member

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