Dear Prof. Wujastyk,

You are perfectly right. The appeal of readily having a pdf of a book you need is sometimes irresistible, especially for a PhD student whose life can be tough (at least in Italy).
Sorry for that.

With my best regards,
Chiara Policardi 

2017-03-23 16:38 GMT+01:00 Dominik Wujastyk <>:
Dear indologists,

Publicly using this forum to request a free PDF of book published by a university press just a decade ago is not all right.  Please buy the books you need, or ask your university library to get them.

Please respect the law of copyright, at least in the broadest terms. 

This forum is a good place to ask for old rare or difficult-to-get items, once one has exhausted the resources of (now including the DLI), Google Books, Hathi Trust, etc.

With thanks,
Dominik Wujastyk
INDOLOGY committee member