Re: [INDOLOGY] André Padoux

Jan E.M. Houben jemhouben at
Tue Jul 18 10:01:33 UTC 2017

"Those who have the privilege to know Padoux personally, have been
impressed by his friendliness, his cultured style, his honesty and
meticulous correctness, his high scientific standard, and his readiness to
assist young Indologists, both French and non-French."
When in the early nineties I read these words in Teun Goudriaan's preface
to *Ritual and Speculation in Early Tantrism -- Studies in Honor of André
Padoux*, Albany: SUNY press, 1992, André Padoux was for me an admired but
distant star.
Much later I had myself the privilege to experience directly the truth of
this statement on André Padoux, and be in addition impressed by his
evergreen sense of humour and his loyalty to his family, friends and close
colleagues. His work will forever remain of monumental importance for
Indology, Tantric Studies, Ritual Studies, Philosophy of Language,
Mantraśāstra and for the humanities (sciences humaines) in general.
Condolences to his family and friends.
I hope someone will be so kind as to prepare, or point us to, an updated
list of André Padoux' publications -- beyond the list that appeared in the
1992 SUNY volume.
Jan Houben


Directeur d’Études

Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite

Professor of South Asian History and Philology

*École Pratique des Hautes Études*

*Sciences historiques et philologiques *

54, rue Saint-Jacques

CS 20525 – 75005 Paris

johannes.houben at

On 17 July 2017 at 13:10, Lyne Bansat-Boudon via INDOLOGY <
indology at> wrote:

> Dear members of the list,
> It is my very sad duty to inform you that Prof. André Padoux passed away,
> yesterday, 16th of July, in his 98th year.
> All of you know him as a great scholar, a pioneer in his field, and a
> perfect gentlemen.
> Lyne Bansat-Boudon
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