[INDOLOGY] Double sandhi

Kevin M. Ryan kevinryan at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Sep 13 01:03:44 UTC 2016

It's not exactly "double sandhi" in the sense of re-applying sandhi to 
the same sequence twice, but there are also bracketing paradoxes in 
sandhi triplets which might be relevant to this issue. I'm referring to 
the situation when one must deal with three underlying vowels in a row 
(V1+V2+V3). Apparently, it's normal to combine the first two vowels 
first (V1+V2 -> V') and then add in the third vowel (V'+V3 -> V"). 
Interestingly, this order of operations occurs even when V2+V3 is 
clearly the tighter constituent on all other grounds (syntax and sense), 
and should by all other rights be combined first. For example, this 
situation is found with ā́ ihi = éhi "come hither" several times in the 
RV, starting with 1.9.1:

a. índréhi ... (from /índra ā́ ihi/, instead of *índráihi)

Lanman (1877, "A statistical account of noun-inflection in the Veda") 
speaks of one such case across pādas:

"The combination is interesting as showing how entirely preposterous and 
artificial is the sandhi hetween two pâdas." Viz.

a. sá punāná úpa sū́re ná dhā́tā
b. óbhé aprā ródasī ví ṣá āvaḥ

saḥ | punānaḥ | upa | sūre | na | dhātā | ā | ubhe iti | aprāḥ | rodasī 
iti | vi | saḥ | āvar ity āvaḥ

sá punāná úpa sū́re ná dhā́tóbhé aprā ródasī ví ṣá āvaḥ

On 9/12/16 5:12 PM, Madhav Deshpande wrote:
> Pāṇini recognizes such double Sandhis under the condition of pādapūraṇa
> "filling the metrical foot," and not as normal practice.  The
> traditional example is saiṣa dāśarathī rāmaḥ.  Here saḥ+eṣaḥ > sa+eṣaḥ >
> double sandhi > saiṣaḥ.
> Madhav Deshpande
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 4:18 PM, Valerie Roebuck
> <vjroebuck at btinternet.com <mailto:vjroebuck at btinternet.com>> wrote:
>     There are a number in the Maitrī/Maitrāyanī Upaniṣad, e.g.
>     I.4, vanaspatayodbhūta- from vanaspatayaḥ udbhūta > vanaspataya
>     udbhūta-
>     I think there’s some discussion of the phenomenon in
>     Buitenen, J. A. B. van. The Maitrāyaṇīya Upaniṣad: a critical essay.
>     The Hague: Mouton, 1962.
>     Valerie J Roebuck
>     Manchester, UK
>>     On 12 Sep 2016, at 20:26, Martin Gansten <martin.gansten at pbhome.se
>>     <mailto:martin.gansten at pbhome.se>> wrote:
>>     I seem to recall having read a discussion on instances of
>>     irregular, double sandhi (as in, say, /vartate idam > vartata idam
>>     > vartatedam/) on the Indology list, but I can't find it in the
>>     list archives. If anyone could point me either to the old posts
>>     (assuming that they exist outside my imagination) or to some
>>     useful discussion of the phenomenon (does it occur and, if so,
>>     where; how is it regarded, etc), I should be most grateful.
>>     Martin Gansten
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Kevin M. Ryan
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Boylston Hall 317
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
kevinryan at fas.harvard.edu

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