[INDOLOGY] Nyaya discussions on faulty examples
Philipp Maas
philipp.a.maas at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 14:56:52 UTC 2015
For a definition of the term *dṛṣṭānta *see, for example, Carakasamhita
Vimanasthana 8.34 (in the ed. of Trikamji):
atha dṛṣṭāntaḥ — dṛṣṭānto nāma yatra mūrkhaviduṣāṃ buddhisāmyaṃ, yo varṇyaṃ
varṇayati. yathā — agnir uṣṇaḥ, dravam udakaṃ, sthirā pṛthivī, ādityaḥ
prakāśaka iti; yathādityaḥ prakāśakas tathā sāṅkhyajñānaṃ prakāśakam iti.
Oberhammer's (Unter Mitarb. von Ernst Prets und Joachim Prandstetter)
Begriffswörterbuch, vol. 2, which I do not have at my desk, should provide
additional references s.v. *dṛṣṭānta.*
With kind regards,
2015-09-02 16:19 GMT+02:00 Walser, Joseph <Joseph.Walser at tufts.edu>:
> Can anyone out there point me toward Nyaya discussions of ways in which an
> example can be faulty? Secondary sources often state(without attribution as
> far as I can tell) that the example must be held in common by both sides of
> the debate, but I cannot find any discussion of that specific point in
> either the Nyaya Sutras of in Vatsyayana's commentary (unless I am
> overlooking something). Surely with so much attention being paid to faults
> in the reason and in the thesis, there should be some discussion of either
> unshared examples or of examples in which it is doubtful that they even
> exist (".... like a unicorn").
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
> -j
> Joseph Walser
> Associate Professor
> Department of Religion
> Tufts University
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Dr. Philipp A. Maas
Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde
Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 2, Eingang 2.1
A-1090 Wien
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