[INDOLOGY] Krishnamachariar, History of Sanskrit Literature (1937)

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at gmail.com
Fri Jul 4 13:11:37 UTC 2014

I only have access to the digitized copy of Krishanmachariar's book
that is at the Digital Library of India and Archive.org.  It is missing a
few pages here and there, including the page(s) after cxiv, that gives
Abbreviations up to "Sury Jl".

I wish to know what Krishnamachariar means by "TC".  Is it "Trivandrum
Catalogue", or perhaps Madras "Triennial Catalogue", or something else?  If
you have Krishanmachariar's book within easy reach, I would be very
grateful if you could tell me what TC stands for.  It's probably on page

Many thanks,

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