Re: [INDOLOGY] Patañjali's syntax
Adriano Aprigliano
aprigliano at
Wed Oct 30 20:02:17 UTC 2013
Dear Tim,
Thanks for the examples. I'll read them carefully. It seems undeniable that they solve the matter.
Best wishes to all
Prof. Dr. Adriano Aprigliano
Área de Língua e Literatura Latina
Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
Universidade de São Paulo
São Paulo, Brasil
Em 30/10/2013, às 17:40, Lubin, Tim escreveu:
> Dear Adriano,
> However one wishes to explain yad here, this basic sentence structure -- [predicate noun/adj] [+/- ha/hi] [+/- vai] [demonstative pronoun as subject] yad [noun] is ubiquitous in Brāhmaṇa prose. Just try a mechanical search of Vedic prose and you get many hits. The meaning is pretty clear. For what it is worth, Hans's explanation seems best to me. Clearly all these yads cannot be glossed with yasmāt!
> from KS:
> utsannayajño vā eṣa yad agniḥ
> devaratho vā eṣa yad yajñas
> samṛtayajño vā eṣa yad darṣapūrṇamāsau << note that eṣa agrees with yajñaḥ perhaps by attraction
> TS:
> mahān hy eṣa yad agnis
> viprā hy ete yac chuśruvāṃsaḥ
> purīṣāyatano vā eṣa yad agnis
> vajrī vā eṣa yad aśvas
> etc. etc.
> JUB 1.22:
> indra eṣa yad udgātā
> ŚBM:
> devapātraṃ vā eṣa yad agnis (
> devapātraṃ vā eṣa yad vaṣaṭkāraḥ (
> prajāpatir vā eṣa yad aṃśuḥ (
> bṛhaspatisavo vā eṣa yadvājapeyam ( << same lack of agreement
> prajāpatir vā eṣa yad ajarṣabha[ḥ] (
> varuṇasavo vā eṣa yad rājasūyaṃ ( << lack of agreement
> etc. etc.
> This is only a portion found from one search ("eṣa yad"; plus one found by chance); using all the other forms of eṣa-, and other sandhi for yad will produce a list of hundreds.
> e.g., from KS:
> sṛṣṭir vā etad had agnihotram
> TS
> gāyatrī vā eṣā yad uṣṇihā
> TS
> vajra iva vā eṣā yad abhrir
> It would seem that setting off the subject by the intervening yad has the effect of relaxing the sense that the demonstrative pronoun must agree with it, allowing occasional attraction to the predicate.
> Best wishes,
> Tim
> Timothy Lubin
> Professor of Religion
> Washington and Lee University
> Lexington, Virginia 24450
> From: Adriano Aprigliano <aprigliano at>
> Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 2:34 PM
> To: George Cardona <cardonagj at>
> Cc: Indology <indology at>
> Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Patañjali's syntax
> Dear colleague,
> Still on the order matter, in the commentary you quote, the commentator understands eṣaḥ as bound to apaśabdaḥ, forming the subject part of the sentence (eṣo'paśabdaḥ), and mlecchaḥ as the predicate —if I understood it right– ("this deviant word is [indeed] barbaric, known as barbaric"). But if that is so, how to account, syntactically, for yad being in between eṣaḥ and apaśabdaḥ in the original text? Would it be possible with eṣaḥ as an adjective pronoun?
> Best wishes
> Prof. Dr. Adriano Aprigliano
> Área de Língua e Literatura Latina
> Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
> Universidade de São Paulo
> São Paulo, Brasil
> Em 30/10/2013, às 13:00, George Cardona escreveu:
>> Dear colleague, If I understand you properly, you consider that the expected form should be yaḥ, construed with apaśabdaḥ, hence the syntactic problem. On the other hand, yad can be adverbial, equivalent to yasmāt. This is the syntax given in the Sūktiratnākara (ed. Vaman Shastri Bhagavat, p. 44.5-6): हवैशब्दौ प्रसिद्धिवाचकौ । यद् यस्मादेषोऽपशब्दो म्लेच्छो म्लेच्छतयातिप्रसिद्ध इत्यर्थः।
>> On Oct 30, 2013, at 8:38 AM, Adriano Aprigliano wrote:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> I have been having doubts on how to translate this MBhāṣ sentence (Kielhorn, p.2, line 8):
>>> te'surāḥ. te surā helayo helaya iti kurvantaḥ parābabhūvuḥ. tasmād brāhmaṇena na mlecchitavai nāpabhāṣitavai. mleccho ha vā eṣa yad apaśabdaḥ.
>>> The problem is on the last sentence, what to make of that yad apaśabdaḥ. I start with ' for this one/he is indeed a mleccha...".
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> best wishes
>>> Prof. Dr. Adriano Aprigliano
>>> Área de Língua e Literatura Latina
>>> Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
>>> Universidade de São Paulo
>>> São Paulo, Brasil
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