[INDOLOGY] Sanskrit syntax

Michael Witzel witzel at fas.harvard.edu
Sat May 25 14:11:09 UTC 2013

Yes, this is the Berlin font, handcast by A.Weber for his edition of the Shatapatha Brahmana etc.; the Leipzig font (Aufrecht etc.) is more commonly used. 

One can get used to the Berlin one easily, just try… This is a far cry for readings manuscripts :-)


On May 25, 2013, at 11:01 PM, Patrick Olivelle wrote:

> Let me also -- since we are in the admiring mood -- add my own voice to this. And to think that it was done in 1886!! I am privileged to have the original edition of 1886 published in Leyden (so spelled) by E.J. Brill. It once belonged to Shackleton Bailey and is still in perfect condition, and I really don't have any problems reading the Devanagari, although it is in an old, but beautiful, font.
> Patrick
> On May 25, 2013, at 5:07 AM, dermot at GREVATT.FORCE9.CO.UK wrote:
>> I'm another admirer. I have a beautifully printed, sturdily bound and much used 
>> Japanese reprint (Rinshen-Shoten Bookstore, Kyoto, 1968). Speyer is so methodical 
>> that his statements still make sense despite changes in linguistic theory, so long as 
>> you understand his dated, Latin-based terminology; and he balances Paninian 
>> prescriptions with observations of actual texts.
>> Dermot Killingley
>> Newcastle
>> On 23 May 2013 at 15:43, Whitney Cox wrote:
>>> I'm a huge admirer of Speyer's book--I honestly feel like I learn
>>> something new and interesting every single time I open it-- but I do
>>> agree with Chris that it would benefit from re-setting.  The font in
>>> which the Nāgarī text is set can make for hard reading for those who
>>> aren't used to it: there are many times that I've strongly recommended
>>> it to intermediate students who have found it difficult to make sense
>>> of.  Also, Speyer doesn't always translate his examples: this isn't a
>>> problem for those with more experience in the language, but the target
>>> audience of language learners are sometimes at a disadvantage, which
>>> is a real shame.
>>> On 23 May 2013 15:16, Paul Hackett <ph2046 at columbia.edu> wrote:
>>>   Dear Chris and others,
>>>     I do not know if Speier/Speyer/Speijer's _Sanskrit Syntax_ has
>>>   been re-typeset or not, but there are publications for sale that
>>>   give the impression of a new edition.  I discovered this when
>>>   attempting to purchase a copy a couple of years ago only to
>>>   discover that some "enterprising" individuals have been data
>>>   mining Google books (and/or possibly the DLI) and selling
>>>   exceptionally poor copies (missing pages, underlining, margin
>>>   notes, etc.) of many books (including Speijer's) through a
>>>   print-on-demand service as "new books". Just a warning to beware.
>>>  I can say that the 2009 paperback from Motilal is very clean and
>>> readable. best, Paul HackettColumbia University
>>> On May 23, 2013, at 3:03 PM, Christopher Wallis wrote:
>>>   Dear Peter and fellow Indologists,
>>>   Does anyone know whether Speier's original Sanskrit Syntax has
>>>   been re-typeset or if there are any plans to do this?  It seems
>>>   quite worthwhile.
>>> best, 
>>> Chris Wallis
>>> On 20 May 2013 10:52, Peter Scharf <scharfpm7 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>   Dear colleagues,The History of Linguistic Theory lab. at the
>>>   University of Paris 7, Denis Diderot, will host a seminar on
>>>   Sanskrit syntax 13-15 June. The program begins with a keynote
>>>   address by Professor Emeritus Hans Hock who in 1986 edited the
>>>   volume on Sanskrit syntax in honor of the centennial of Speier's
>>>   Sanskrit Syntax.  The second day of the program begins with a
>>>   special lecture by George Cardona concerned with contributions of
>>>   Paninian grammar to Sanskrit syntax.  The afternoon of the 15th
>>>   will include several presentations on the state of image-text
>>>   alignment for Sanskrit manuscripts.  Please see
>>>   the announcement of the seminar and the full program under
>>>   Events on the Sanskrit Library website.
>>> Scholars are invited to attend.  Please register at no cost on the
>>> seminar website. The seminar is sponsored by the Chaire
>>> Internationale de Recherche Blaise Pascal financée par l’Etat et la
>>> Région d'Ile-de-France, gérée par la Fondation de l’Ecole Normale
>>> Supérieure. Yours sincerely,Peter
>>> Peter M. Scharf, President
>>> The Sanskrit Library
>>> scharf at sanskritlibrary.org
>>> *************************************************
>>> Peter M. Scharf, Ph.D.
>>> Université Paris Diderot
>>> Laboratoire d'Histoire des Théories Linguistiques
>>> 5 rue Thomas Mann, Case 7034
>>> Cedex 13
>>> 75205 Paris
>>> France
>>> 33-1-5727-5742 (phone)
>>> peter.scharf at univ-paris-diderot.fr
>>> *************************************************
>>> peter.scharf at inria.fr
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>>> Dr. Whitney Cox
>>> Senior Lecturer in Sanskrit
>>> Department of the Languages and Cultures of South Asia,
>>> SOAS, University of London
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>>> London WC1H 0XG 
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> ============
> Michael Witzel
> witzel at fas.harvard.edu
> <www.fas.harvard.edu/~witzel/mwpage.htm>
> Wales Prof. of Sanskrit &
> Director of Graduate Studies,
> Dept. of South Asian Studies, Harvard University
> 1 Bow Street,
> Cambridge MA 02138, USA
> phone: 1- 617 - 495 3295, fax 617 - 496 8571;
> my direct line:  617- 496 2990

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