Let me also -- since we are in the admiring mood -- add my own voice to this. And to think that it was done in 1886!! I am privileged to have the original edition of 1886 published in Leyden (so spelled) by E.J. Brill. It once belonged to Shackleton Bailey and is still in perfect condition, and I really don't have any problems reading the Devanagari, although it is in an old, but beautiful, font.
On May 25, 2013, at 5:07 AM,
dermot@GREVATT.FORCE9.CO.UK wrote:
I'm another admirer. I have a beautifully printed, sturdily bound and much used
Japanese reprint (Rinshen-Shoten Bookstore, Kyoto, 1968). Speyer is so methodical
that his statements still make sense despite changes in linguistic theory, so long as
you understand his dated, Latin-based terminology; and he balances Paninian
prescriptions with observations of actual texts.
Dermot Killingley
On 23 May 2013 at 15:43, Whitney Cox wrote:
I'm a huge admirer of Speyer's book--I honestly feel like I learn
something new and interesting every single time I open it-- but I do
agree with Chris that it would benefit from re-setting. The font in
which the Nāgarī text is set can make for hard reading for those who
aren't used to it: there are many times that I've strongly recommended
it to intermediate students who have found it difficult to make sense
of. Also, Speyer doesn't always translate his examples: this isn't a
problem for those with more experience in the language, but the target
audience of language learners are sometimes at a disadvantage, which
is a real shame.
On 23 May 2013 15:16, Paul Hackett <ph2046@columbia.edu> wrote:
Dear Chris and others,
I do not know if Speier/Speyer/Speijer's _Sanskrit Syntax_ has
been re-typeset or not, but there are publications for sale that
give the impression of a new edition. I discovered this when
attempting to purchase a copy a couple of years ago only to
discover that some "enterprising" individuals have been data
mining Google books (and/or possibly the DLI) and selling
exceptionally poor copies (missing pages, underlining, margin
notes, etc.) of many books (including Speijer's) through a
print-on-demand service as "new books". Just a warning to beware.
I can say that the 2009 paperback from Motilal is very clean and
readable. best, Paul HackettColumbia University
On May 23, 2013, at 3:03 PM, Christopher Wallis wrote:
Dear Peter and fellow Indologists,
Does anyone know whether Speier's original Sanskrit Syntax has
been re-typeset or if there are any plans to do this? It seems
quite worthwhile.
Chris Wallis
On 20 May 2013 10:52, Peter Scharf <scharfpm7@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear colleagues,The History of Linguistic Theory lab. at the
University of Paris 7, Denis Diderot, will host a seminar on
Sanskrit syntax 13-15 June. The program begins with a keynote
address by Professor Emeritus Hans Hock who in 1986 edited the
volume on Sanskrit syntax in honor of the centennial of Speier's
Sanskrit Syntax. The second day of the program begins with a
special lecture by George Cardona concerned with contributions of
Paninian grammar to Sanskrit syntax. The afternoon of the 15th
will include several presentations on the state of image-text
alignment for Sanskrit manuscripts. Please see
the announcement of the seminar and the full program under
Events on the Sanskrit Library website.
Scholars are invited to attend. Please register at no cost on the
seminar website. The seminar is sponsored by the Chaire
Internationale de Recherche Blaise Pascal financée par l’Etat et la
Région d'Ile-de-France, gérée par la Fondation de l’Ecole Normale
Supérieure. Yours sincerely,Peter
Peter M. Scharf, President
The Sanskrit Library
Peter M. Scharf, Ph.D.
Université Paris Diderot
Laboratoire d'Histoire des Théories Linguistiques
5 rue Thomas Mann, Case 7034
Cedex 13
75205 Paris
33-1-5727-5742 (phone)
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