[INDOLOGY] mnemotechnics and visualisation in Indian traditional recitation techniques

George Thompson gthomgt at gmail.com
Sun Jun 16 23:58:57 UTC 2013

Dear List,

With regard to a memorial volume to Frits Staal, does anyone have an email
address for Andre Padoux?

I would be grateful for any help.

George Thompson

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 7:43 PM, George Thompson <gthomgt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear list members,
> When examining the mnemotechnics of Vedic recitation one should begin, of
> course, with Frits Staal's work, beginning with his early work on Nambudiri
> Vedic recitation, his audio and film recordings  of these recitations,  and
> culminating in his last book,  Discovering the Vedas.
> Soon, I will be posting a final call for contributions to a memorial
> volume in honor  of Frits Staal, the planned deadline for papers at the
> moment being, I believe, October 2013, with a publication date roughly a
> year later.
> I urge scholars who wish to contribute to notify us as soon as possible. I
> am in the process of inviting more contributions from Vedicists and Frits'
> friends, in particular.
> Best wishes,
> George Thompson
> On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 8:08 AM, Dipak Bhattacharya <
> dbhattacharya200498 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Three postures āyāma, viśrambha and ākşepa corresponding to the
>> pronunciation of
>> the acute, grave and circumflex were taught by Ṛgvedic ācāryas along with
>> practical demonstration at least till the sixties.
>> These were universal that is to say have been adopted by the Ārya Samājis
>> too. In fact
>> my experience is from the Ārya Samāja. See the RV Prātiśākhya 3.1. But
>> the
>> verse will give no idea of the rigorous training. Maharashtrian and Arya
>> Samāji
>> trainers of North India are not symbiotically related, at least not more
>> than
>> Roman Catholics and Presbyterians.
>> The places of articulation are variously demonstrated but not through dia-
>> grammes as in the Universities. At least a few decades ago Myanmar had
>> kept alive a method of demonstration through the palms and fingers. These
>> are not unknown in India.
>> As far as I remember this topic came to be discussed in this forum a few
>> years ago.
>> Best
>> DB
>>   ------------------------------
>>  *From:* Viktoria Lysenko <vglyssenko at yandex.ru>
>> *To:* indology at list.indology.info
>> *Sent:* Sunday, 16 June 2013 4:22 PM
>> *Subject:* [INDOLOGY] mnemotechnics and visualisation in Indian
>> traditional recitation techniques
>> Dear colleagues, especially those of you who had undergone a traditional
>> brahmanic education,
>> I would like to know whether any visual images, or interiour
>> visualization techniques are involved in the traditional memorisation of
>> Vedic or other texts? Or this memorisation is purely acoustic and
>> dyachronic? How the memory of traditional pandita is organized, is there
>> any spacial structurization?
>> I ask these questions in order to better understand the role of oral
>> tradition and alphabetic writing in arising of "atomistic approach" to
>> speech in indian phonetics and grammar.
>> May be, you can suggest some works which could help me.
>> Thank you in advance!
>> --
>> Victoria Lysenko, dr.hab.philos.
>> Head, Department for Oriental philosophy studies
>> Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
>> Moscow, Volkhonka, 14
>> Professor, Russian State University for Humanities
>> Russia
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