Dear List,
With regard to a memorial volume to Frits Staal, does anyone have an email address for Andre Padoux?
I would be grateful for any help.
George Thompson

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 7:43 PM, George Thompson <> wrote:
Dear list members,
When examining the mnemotechnics of Vedic recitation one should begin, of course, with Frits Staal's work, beginning with his early work on Nambudiri Vedic recitation, his audio and film recordings  of these recitations,  and culminating in his last book,  Discovering the Vedas. 
Soon, I will be posting a final call for contributions to a memorial volume in honor  of Frits Staal, the planned deadline for papers at the moment being, I believe, October 2013, with a publication date roughly a year later.
I urge scholars who wish to contribute to notify us as soon as possible. I am in the process of inviting more contributions from Vedicists and Frits' friends, in particular.
Best wishes,
George Thompson

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 8:08 AM, Dipak Bhattacharya <> wrote:
Three postures āyāma, viśrambha and ākşepa corresponding to the pronunciation of
the acute, grave and circumflex were taught by Ṛgvedic ācāryas along with
practical demonstration at least till the sixties.
These were universal that is to say have been adopted by the Ārya Samājis too. In fact
my experience is from the Ārya Samāja. See the RV Prātiśākhya 3.1. But the
verse will give no idea of the rigorous training. Maharashtrian and Arya Samāji
trainers of North India are not symbiotically related, at least not more than
Roman Catholics and Presbyterians.
The places of articulation are variously demonstrated but not through dia-
grammes as in the Universities. At least a few decades ago Myanmar had
kept alive a method of demonstration through the palms and fingers. These
are not unknown in India.
As far as I remember this topic came to be discussed in this forum a few years ago.

From: Viktoria Lysenko <>
Sent: Sunday, 16 June 2013 4:22 PM
Subject: [INDOLOGY] mnemotechnics and visualisation in Indian traditional recitation techniques

Dear colleagues, especially those of you who had undergone a traditional brahmanic education,
I would like to know whether any visual images, or interiour visualization techniques are involved in the traditional memorisation of Vedic or other texts? Or this memorisation is purely acoustic and dyachronic? How the memory of traditional pandita is organized, is there any spacial structurization?
I ask these questions in order to better understand the role of oral tradition and alphabetic writing in arising of "atomistic approach" to speech in indian phonetics and grammar.
May be, you can suggest some works which could help me.
Thank you in advance!
Victoria Lysenko, dr.hab.philos.
Head, Department for Oriental philosophy studies
Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Volkhonka, 14
Professor, Russian State University for Humanities

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