[INDOLOGY] Dharmasastra quotation on upanayana
elisa freschi
elisa.freschi at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 08:43:14 UTC 2013
Dear Tim, dear Martin,
thanks for the interesting points (and for pointing to the 2005 article I had missed). I can only add that in Mīmāṃsā discussions "aṣṭavarṣaṃ brāhmaṇam upanayīta tam adhyāpayet" is the standard reason adduced by Prābhākaras as a *śruti* support of the adhyāpanavidhi, i.e. the idea that there is a duty to teach the Veda and that one's duty to learn the Veda is only a subsidiary to it. Thus, at least for the Mīmāṃsakas (the Bhāṭṭas dissent with the Prābhākara view, but not with the *śruti* status of the prescription) the prescription "aṣṭavarṣaṃ brāhmaṇam upanayīta tam adhyāpayet" has a śruti-status. It is, thus, seen as coming from a Brāhmaṇa.
elisa freschi
Dr. Elisa Freschi
Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Apostelgasse 23
1030 Vienna
Phone +43 1 51581 6433
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On 06/giu/2013, at 19:17, Lubin, Tim wrote:
> upanīyayet seems to be a conflation of upanīya or upanayīta and upanayet, all forms being common in this context.
> VaikhānasaGS 6.7 quotes the first half as śruti:
> brāhmaṇyāṃ brāhmaṇāj jātamātrasya brāhmaṇasya prathamajanma syād upanayanasaṃskāre dvitīyaṃ bhavati dvitīyajanmany ācāryaḥ pitā sāvitrī mātā dvābhyāṃ janmabhyāṃ dvijo bhavaty < aṣṭavarṣaṃ brāhmaṇam upanayīta- > iti śrutis tasmād garbhādhānādyaṣṭame varṣe brāhmaṇasyopanayanaṃ śreṣṭhaṃ
> "aṣṭavarṣaṃ brāhmaṇam upanayīta" is also quoted three or four times in The Mimāṃsāślokavārttika with the Commentary Kāśikā of Sucaritamiśra. Trivandrum 1926, 1929, 1943. (Trivandrum Sanskrit Series, 90, 99, 150).
> I do not know of any such occurrence in śruti -- perhaps it is "lost śruti"; anyway, it would have to be "gṛhya śruti" such as Śatapatha Br. ff.
> GobhilaGS 2.2.1: aṣṭavarṣaṃ brāhmaṇam upanayed garbhāṣṭame vā |1|
> The first sentence of your printed version =
> ĀśvGS 1.19.1, KhādiraGS 2.4.1 (as printed anyway)
> BaudhGS 2.5.5 and ĀpDhS both prescribe age 10 for the annādyakāma; I have never seen 6 for this. I have digital versions of all GSs, but I cannot find exactly your passage, or the latter half thereof.
> In the GSs, there is no general agreement that the appropriate age for Brahmins to be initiated is eight -- but it becomes standard only in the Dharmasūtras (I have written about the patterns underlying the disagreements in a 2005 article.) Hence I am skeptical that there was ever a śruti passage that prescribed it. (Vaikhānasa is too late to cite as support for such a notion; it may have an expansive notion of śruti.)
> Tim
> Timothy Lubin
> Professor of Religion
> Washington and Lee University
> Lexington, Virginia 24450
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> From: Martin Gansten <martin.gansten at pbhome.se>
> Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 17:31:49 +0200
> To: Indology <indology at list.indology.info>
> Subject: [INDOLOGY] Dharmasastra quotation on upanayana
> Balabhadra in his Hāyanaratna quotes an unnamed text on the preferred
> time of upanayana. The MSS I have seen all give the quotation as:
> aṣṭavarṣaṃ brāhmaṇam upanīyayet ṣaṣṭhe ’nnādyakāma iti
> The printed text cleans this up as follows:
> aṣṭame varṣe brāhmaṇam upanayet ṣaṣṭhe ’nnādyakāma iti
> -- but I don't know whether this corrected version exactly matches any
> actual text. Any help in placing the quotation would be much appreciated.
> Martin Gansten
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