French Institute of Pondicherry / Publications April 2012

Christophe Vielle christophe.vielle at UCLOUVAIN.BE
Fri Apr 20 07:41:34 UTC 2012

Here are the already published volumes in this new Indological series (in which the vol.  2 of the  Sūkṣmāgama has thus appeared as the n°3) issued from the IFP alone (differently from the  "Collection Indologie"  which is co-published by the EFEO and the IFP,  the n° 114 of which being the Sūkṣmāgama vol. 1— the EFEO has also sometime his "own" Indological publications [I do not talk here about the EFEO general series called 'Publications de l'EFEO], not easy to find for the librarians: e.g. E. Wilden's Kuruntokai ed., 2010),

- n°1: N.S. RAMANUJA TATACHARYA, Tārkikacakravarti Gadādharabhattācāryaviracitah Vyutpattivādah N.S. Rāmānuja-tātācāryakṛtayā : Vidvanmanoramākhyayā Vyākhyayā Sahitaḥ. Volume 1. General editor : Harekrishna SATAPATHY ; associate editors : F. GRIMAL, S. LAKSHMINARASIMHAM. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha Publication Series no. 231 ; Steles : Jean Filliozat Series in South Asian Culture and History, n° 1, IFP/Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, 2011, xiii, 443 p. Distributed by the RSV, Tirupati. ISBN (IFP) : 978-81- 8470-185-2.
- n°2: BUCK D.C. and KANNAN M., 2011. Tamil Dalit literature: my own experience, Steles: Jean Filliozat Series in South Asian Culture and History, no. 2, IFP/ North Central Education Foundation, A Project of The Peden Fund, Pondicherry, xxxviii, 158 p.

A good way to be informed about the books published in these various (sometime confusing) series, is to read the 'Institut d'Etudes indiennes" Newsletter, which lists all the French Indological publications. Here is the link for the last one:

Best wishes,
[Not French] Christophe Vielle


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