XEROX/PDF request

Arlo Griffiths arlogriffiths at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Sep 9 09:03:33 UTC 2011

Dear colleagues,
I have at my disposal here in Jakarta a very mediocre xerox of the item below, and it does not include the title-page allowing me to confirm all bibliographic data. I'd like to have a clean and complete xerox or, better still, a PDF file. I have asked our library in Paris, but the volume is not available there. 
Can anybody else oblige?
Many thanks in advance.
Arlo GriffithsEFEO/Jakarta

Damais, Louis-Charles 
1959 “Le Bouddhisme en Indonésie”, in Présence du Bouddhisme, special issue 
of France-Asie, Saigon, 813–824. 

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