Obituary for Lucy Bulliet

Michael Brattus Jones m.b.jones at MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU
Sat Jun 25 01:38:00 UTC 2011

It is with great sadness that I pass along this obituary for Lucy  
Bulliet, which was written by her husband Professor Richard Bulliet of  
Columbia University.
- M. B. Jones

Dr. Lucianne Cherry Bulliet, who had taught Vedic Religion at Columbia  
University for almost twenty years, succumbed to cancer on March 2,  
2011.  She was 71 years old.  Dr. Bulliet grew up in San Diego,  
California, and graduated from Point Loma High School and Pomona  
College.  She earned her doctoral degree in Sanskrit and Indian  
Studies at Harvard University under Professor Daniel H. H. Ingalls.   
Her scholarly interests focused on the earliest phases of Indian  
religion and culture as manifested in ancient works written in the  
Vedic language, and on the roots of Indo-European culture in Central  
Asia.  She is survived by her husband Richard and son Mark.

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