Burgess: Tamil and Sanskrit Inscriptions

Jonathan Silk kauzeya at GMAIL.COM
Sun Jan 2 21:36:40 UTC 2011

This book is listed as being held in Leiden. However, as it is older than
100 years, one cannot check it out (!). I may be able to have someone scan
it, but as implied by your message, Tim, that might depend on the condition.
If you come up with an alternative in the meanwhile, do let me know.


On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Lubin, Tim <lubint at wlu.edu> wrote:

> If anyone has access to the following, exceedingly rare volume (so it
> seems), please contact me off-list -- a scan would be fantastic.  I have
> been surprised at how elusive it is:
>  Burgess, James. 1886.
>  Tamil and Sanskrit inscriptions, with some notes on village antiquities,
> collected chiefly in the south of the Madras presidency.
> Interlibrary Loan has failed because the only copies to be found are either
> too fragile to be sent or the library flatly refused.  Google Books has two
> listings, but no preview, let alone full PDF, even though the book is
> ancient and never reprinted.  DLI and Internet Archive have nothing, either.
>  The book is not even in the IFP library when I checked there.
> Thanks.
> Tim Lubin
> Washington and Lee University
> lubint at wlu.edu

J. Silk
Instituut Kern / Universiteit Leiden
Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
Johan Huizinga Building, Room 1.37
Doelensteeg 16
2311 VL Leiden
The Netherlands

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