AW: [INDOLOGY] deyadharma
Kellner, Birgit
Fri Dec 17 12:00:30 UTC 2010
As von Hinüber's book just happens to be open on my desk, and since Arlo might not have access to it, here's the gist of it:
Von Hinüber follows M. and W. Geiger ("Pāli Dhamma vornehmlich in der kanonischen Literatur", Kleine Schriften, Wiesbaden 1973, esp. p. 191) in assuming the meaning "Sache, Gegenstand" for dhamma in this compound. Hence the original meaning must be "something that is to be given". And this corresponds to canonical and Theravāda usage of the term. Deyadharma gradually replaces the older dāna (so also Bhattacharya, Dāna-Deyadharma, p. 51f.).
Birgit Kellner
Von: Indology [INDOLOGY at] im Auftrag von Jonathan Silk [kauzeya at GMAIL.COM]
Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010 12:11
Betreff: Re: [INDOLOGY] deyadharma
I don't know what Harry wrote, since must have directed himself to you
privately, but my own notes indicate one should consult:
Oskar von Hinüber, Die Palola Ṣāhis: Ihre Steininschriften, Inschriften auf
Bronzen, Handschriftenkolophone und Schutzzauber. Materialien zur Geschichte
von Gilgit und Chilas. Antiquities of Northern Pakistan: Reports and Studies
5 [Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2004]: 177ff.
On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 4:49 AM, Arlo Griffiths
<arlogriffiths at>wrote:
> Is anybody aware of any discussion in the primary or secondary literature
> as to the way the term deyadharma was traditionally analyzed/understood? How
> does this compound get to have the pragmatic meaning of 'meritorious gift'?
> How has the tradition itself understood the value of dharma in this
> compound? I have seen Edgerton's gloss in BHSD, something like 'having the
> nature of something to be given' (quoted from memory), but I wonder if this
> corresponds to traditional interpretations, and whether the element deya
> might not simply have meant 'gift' in this context (rather than 'something
> to be given').
> Thank you,
> Arlo Griffiths (EFEO/Jakarta)
J. Silk
Instituut Kern / Universiteit Leiden
Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
Johan Huizinga Building, Room 1.37
Doelensteeg 16
2311 VL Leiden
The Netherlands
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