Utopia / Dystopia

Mary Storm mnstorm at MAC.COM
Tue Apr 13 14:55:19 UTC 2010

Dear Indologists,

I am looking for possible distinctive descriptions of utopias /  
dystopias in Indian literature. I hope to find something that might  
parallel ideas in Plato's Republic or Thomas More's Utopia.

I am looking for descriptions of self-contained paradigmatic  
societies- either ideal or wretched.

Any ideas would be most welcome.

I hope that wherever you are it is cooler than New Delhi!

Mary Storm

Mary Storm, Ph.D.
Academic Director and Lecturer
India: National Identity and the Arts
Himalayan Buddhist Art and Architecture
SIT Study Abroad
F 301 Lado Sarai
New Delhi 110030 India
Mobile: +91 98106 98003

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